Veromani's engagement (44)

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NOTE: Don't forget, this chapter and the next few ones are part of a series of flashbacks of what happened during those 3 months that passed.


*Flashback still On*

POV Lauren Jauregui

There were a bunch of ashes from my cigarettes in the ashtray. I felt my body numb on the armchair, as much as it was comfortable. I had lost track of time. I only know that I've been here for so many hours that my stomach complained incessantly.

"Normani, this one looks good!" I said for the thousandth time to my friend.

"Lauren, you said that about all of them." She grumbled as she lowered the strap of the pale-yellow dress.

"Can I at least go to the kitchen to get a sandwich?"

"No!" She huffed, looking at me as if I had asked for the legalization of marijuana. "You're a terrible friend!"

"You're right, I suck, so why don't you grab your 106 dresses and go try them on for a real friend?" I said ironically, pointing towards my bedroom door.

"I can't believe you said that, Lauren!" Normani threw the dress on the bed furiously. Her eyes began to water.

"Look, I've been here since I don't even know when, watching you try on dresses, the jewelry, looking at hairstyle magazines. I've been sitting here for countless hours, just smoking, starving, and you tell me I'm not a good friend?"

"Go eat, Lauren, go and then come back here in a good mood, or I'm really going to change best friend."

"Mani, the blue lace dress looked beautiful on you, but I'm sure that Veronica will love you just like this, exactly how you look right now." I said with mischievous smile on my face. Normani looked at herself briefly, she was only wearing white lingerie.

"Lauren..." She said, taking a deep breath. "I won't say it again, get out of here." Normani had a serious posture and was pointing at the door. I just grabbed my pack of cigarettes and exited the room.

After eating a big sandwich, I went to the guest bedroom, where was the package I was hiding from Mani for weeks, and in a certain way, I was also hiding it from me, because I was so eager to give it to her, but I had to wait for the right time, and now it was the time. I went back to the bedroom and leaned against the door.

"Mani." I called, drawing the attention of the woman who had just ended a call. "I bought this for you." I extended the silver package to her.

"What is this, Laur?" She asked curiously, already untying the knot quickly.

"It's my wedding gift."

"Laur..." She said, and then paused, letting the package fall. "It's beautiful!"

"It is..." I whispered.

"Lauren, I..." Normani turned to the mirror, and held the pearly salmon dress to her body. "I'm speechless, it's wonderful!"

"I knew you'd like it." I approached Normani and stood behind her, looking at her through the mirror. I held her waist and hugged her from behind. "I can't believe I'm going to lose my girl."

"You're not going to lose me, Lauren." Normani said, turning around to face me. "Quite the contrary, you're going to win another girl, you've won Veronica, now she's your family too." Normani's eyes were teary, and mine were no different.

I couldn't believe Normani was getting married. Of all the people who have gone through my life, Normani was the only one I couldn't bear to lose. She didn't know what I did in my free time, but I was sure that she was the only one who wouldn't abandon me, the only one. I remember as if it was today, when I left Mike's house, he had been pissing me off for a long time, wouldn't give me money, money that it was mine by right. Taylor had to help me with her allowance, and well, Normani found me with nothing and simply gave me everything, and I'm not talking about money, because money comes and goes, but she gave me shelter, gave me her home, gave me her love, gave me her friendship and her companionship. That's why I'd do anything for this woman, and I don't mean killing, because that is easy for me, but I'd die for Normani, and if I had a million lives, I'd die a million times for her.

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