You're not alone (13)

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POV Lauren Jauregui

*One week later*

Camila's naked and sweaty body was over mine warming me, the tip of my index finger played roaming down her back stopping right on her blessed back dimples that were slightly above her big ass, it was possible to feel her breath beginning to regulate gradually. A kiss was deposited on my neck by Camila, making my hair stand on end.

This week Camila and I met quite often and all the encounters were her initiative, which surprised me, but not today, today it was my request, I thought that with her here I was gonna get distracted, and it actually worked, but my thoughts betrayed me and I always went back to thinking that tomorrow would be another one of those bad days, I was already feeling a bad dome surrounding me. Camila who had her head buried in my neck looked up to look at me.

-Are you okay? – she asked drawing my attention, I looked into her bright eyes and took care of then flashing a smile forgetting that the worst was to come, I don't know how, but Camila had the power to make me forget things. You know when you use a drug and start trippin' thinking about nothing? It was like that, Camila doped me completely. I nodded my head in response.

-Good. – she said smiling slyly approaching her face to mine to then seal our lips – I need to go.

-Now? – I asked surprised while Camila stood up naked providing me with the best view in Miami.

-Yes, Laur, Sofi is in Dinah's house and then maybe Rob will want to go out. –the brunette answered as she put on her skinny jeans leaving her entire body modeled from the waist down, I decided not to argue, I just enjoyed the view I was having in the moment.

Camila walked from one side to the other looking for her clothes that were scattered all over my room. I turned my body reaching the nightstand, pulling the drawer and taking from there a pack of cigarettes and my silver lighter. I grabbed a cigarette bringing it up to my mouth to then light it dragging as much smoke as possible. I looked back at Camila who now was on all fours with her ass completely upturned in my direction. FUCK.

-Camila. – I called her making her get up and look at me as I took another drag on my cigarette – I just don't throw you back in this bed and fuck you until dawn out of respect for Sofi, who has no idea why you are not with her – I noticed that Camila also wanted the same because her eyes sparkled.

-Stop being perverted, okay? – Camila smiled with her tongue between her teeth, oh that smile – I really need to go.

She walked to her purse, but stopped with her eyes fixed on my dresser. I got up grabbing my robe, putting it on, feeling the soft silk touch my skin, and walked until stopping by her side. Camila had grabbed a picture frame where was my mother and I, bringing me back to reality, in a quick act I pulled the picture frame from her hand.

-Don't touch this, Camila. – I said with my voice slightly altered, I walked in long strides to my nightstand, throwing it inside the drawer and closing it roughly, I turned to look at Camila, she was with her eyebrows arched and with her eyes reddish.

-I wasn't going to eat the picture frame, Lauren.


Camila shook her head, she looked incredulous, then she simply grabbed her purse and disappeared from my line of sight while I remained in silence. The sound of her heels colliding against the stairs woke me up.

"Go after her!" – my subconscious shouted.

I ran to the top of the stairs descending them fast while Camila opened the front door.

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