Clarifying (30)

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NOTE: This chapter will continue with Camila's flashback, and before it ends you'll see *Flashback Off*, and then it will go back to "normal/present time" -> Dinah walking in on them kissing.


POV Camila Cabello

*Flashback still On*

-Camila, how are you feeling this morning? – the doctor asked me as he examined me quickly with a pupil light thingy.

-I feel fine. I just want to go home. – I answered feeling my stomach growl, too loud, since the doctor laughed, and I blushed in embarrassment – I'm also hungry.

-Of course you are, you'll be able to eat right now, and about you going home the answer is no, you still need to stay a few days under observation. – he said and I huffed.

God only knows how I want my bed. I can't stand to stay here anymore staring at these cold walls.

-How long?

-Just a few more days, Camila. – he said, writing down something on my chart – But if it makes you happy, I'll free visitations for you.

-At least one good news, but it's not enough. – I said feigning irritation.

-And what would be enough?

-I want to eat, but not this hospital food. Can I call a friend to bring me something else to eat? – I asked and I'm sure I looked like a hungry kid.

-I see that you have a good appetite. – he said touching the tip of my nose, and I blushed – Alright, you can call your friend.

-Thank you. – I said a little too excited.

The man just nodded and left the room, leaving me alone, again.

I looked at the clock that was there, it was 12:15PM, explaining why I was hungry. I leaned on the bed to grab the phone, when I heard two knocks on the door.

-Come in.

The door opened, but I had to get up a little to see who was entering. God, it was a little boy, he had a bouquet of roses in his hands, it was inevitable not to laugh when he almost tripped over with his short little legs.


-Hi. – he said embarrassed, and then just approached me and handed me the bouquet.

-Thank you, they are beautiful. – I said inhaling the good scent that the roses gave off.

-They are not mine. – he said with his little hands behind his back and his gaze fixed on the floor.

-It doesn't matter, you brought them and I'm thanking you. – he laughed and blushed like a tomato.

I felt like laughing, but he would get even more embarrassed.

-Who asked you to bring them?

-Aunt Lauren. She said that she wasn't coming in, but that I could come into your room to talk to you, and she also said that she's going to give me a doughnut bigger than me, but I think she's lying to me again, last time she said she was going to give me one and she didn't, she just gave me a bunch of normal doughnuts, they were so many and I ate them all, but it gave me a stomachache.

The little boy said everything in one breath, and I was focused trying to accompany everything. When he finished to breathe, he blushed more, if that was possible. I couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing.

-Aunt Lauren lies sometimes, but I promise you that when I get out of here, I'll give you a doughnut bigger than you. – I said and got up to put the roses in the empty jar that was there, especially for the roses that I got every day.

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