Family business (12)

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POV Camila Cabello

My car almost flew through the streets of Miami, this was one of the advantages of being part of the police, in less than 30 minutes I was already in front of the door of my apartment looking desperately for my keys in my purse. Before leaving the precinct I looked at my phone that indicated five missed calls, two from Dinah and three from my little sister, I tried to call both of them on the way, but it was in vain. Not that I was too worried about Sofi and Rob in the same environment, but I just don't want to be a bad sister leaving her alone.

-Fuck! – I complained thinking that somehow I would find the key. I was about to go downstairs and ask the doorman to open it, but the noise of the door opening drew my attention.

-Look who just showed up. – I looked up and my heart that before was tight, eased at the sight of Dinah, I threw myself into her arms, hugging her – Can I know where you were, Karla Camila? – Dinah asked reciprocating the hug – We were worried.

-Sofi? Where is she? Is she okay? I didn't want to leave her alone. – I let go of Dinah and started walking from one room to the other looking for my sister.

Dinah closed the door and walked over to the couch where she sat and stayed watching me while laughing, Sofia's laughter made itself present accompanying my best friend's. I turned around and looked at them sitting on the couch amidst goodies. I threw them a piercing look and both of them stopped laughing right away.

-I'm going to count to three. One... Two... – before saying three I ran after the two of them who were no longer on the couch. I reached Sofi quickly, laying her on the floor to then attack her with tickles.

-H...HEL... HELP AUNT DINAH! – Sofi shouted amid laughs – KAKIII! STOP KAKI! – Sofi laughed nonstop as I attacked her until feeling something knock me to the side, I looked up and Dinah was sitting on my hip filling me with tickles too, making me squirm, it didn't take long for Sofi to join her, worsening my situation .

-I... I SU... SURRENDER! – I shouted – PL... PLEASEEEE, IMMA PEE! – I complained and Dinah and Sofi got off me. The noise of the doorbell caught our attention, I looked at them with a questioning face, and they looked at me the same way – Did you order something?

-No. – Dinah answered.

The doorbell rang once again and so I got up and walked to the door, straightening my clothes, to then bring my hand to the doorknob apprehensively, because it was already quite late. Slowly I opened the door.

-SURPRISE BITCH! – Vero shouted scaring me, which made her laugh. She had a large pizza box in hand.

-What the fuck, Vero, you scared us. – I made room for her to enter, Dinah and Sofi laughed – You two called her, right?

-Yes. – Sofi answered going towards Vero who opened her arms to receive a hug, the two remained like that for a while – I missed you, Aunt Vero. – Dinah who before only watched like me, approached the two and hugged them tight.

You know an idiot? So, I'm one, I stood like an idiot watching my best friends and my sister, I don't know for how long they stayed like that, the three hugging and I watching, but Dinah decided to break the contact for my unhappiness and look at me with a serious countenance.

-So, are you or are you not going to tell us where you were?

-Well... – I started.

Fuck, what now?

"Think fast." – my subconscious whispered.

The three watched me attentively, and I brought my hand to the back of my neck and scratched it.

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