Ramon (50)

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NOTE: We're reaching the finish line now, so things will start to get more heavy and complicated. The Brazilian version isn't over yet, but it's really close.


POV Robert Simpson

*Two weeks later*

It had been fifteen minutes since I was waiting for Britt outside the restaurant. The heat in Miami was unbearable, so I decided to take off my jacket. The beads of sweat that trickled down the sides of my face bothered me more than normal.

"Why the hell is it so hot?" I thought out loud, loosening my gray-striped tie.

"Missed me?" Asked Britt's sweet voice in my ear. I rolled my eyes and watched the woman circle me to position herself in front of me.

"Do I look like I missed you?" I asked ironically.

"No, you look like a football player after practice." She said laughing.

"I don't know why you're in such a good mood, when in fact your ass is on the line." I said, and walked towards my car across the street.

"Our ass is on the line. Ours, right?" I heard Britt ask as she followed me in hurried steps.

I got into my car and turned on the air conditioning immediately. Britt got in as well and repeated the question. She was scared, just like I was, however, I couldn't show weakness, or my ass will definitely be on the line.

"Listen here, Britt." I leaned closer to her, and could feel her breathing getting heavy. I held her pale, delicate face with certain roughness, and the woman's eyes widened, I could swear she'd cry at any moment. "Don't be a dumb woman, okay? The cops are already on your tail, just like they are on mine." I squeezed her face harder, and Britt brought both of her hands to mine, but didn't do anything. "But the difference between us is gigantic, because I don't leave traces, you stupid bitch. They will come for you and ask for my head in exchange of a reduced sentence, but I'll give you a single alternative." My breath was now blowing hard against her face, my chest rose and fell at a violent frequency. "You will not rat me out and I'll use all the dirty money we've earned together to get you out of this trouble, because sweetheart, money is what rules in this Astral Plane. Otherwise, if you rat me out..." I inched closer to Britt, our foreheads were touching now. "If you rat me out, I'll have you killed wherever you are."

I released the woman, who promptly touched her chin, groaning in pain. Britt had been an excellent partner, but the end of our partnership had come, I needed to be imposing, otherwise I would be more than screwed.

"We have a deal, Rob." She began. "Walter could be a coward, but I'm not, you know I'm not a rat, never have been."

"I hope so, Britt, for your own good." I said, putting on the seatbelt. "Now get out of my car."

"We need to talk about the breach on the website."

"I already know how that happened. To tell you the truth, I was even expecting it, and I know very well how to handle it. Now get out of the car." I said sharply.

"You're going to keep it running?"

"Yes, I want to know how far this is going."

"You like to take risks too much, Robert." She said, letting out a chuckle.

"I already said everything I had to say to you, Britt, I don't have time to chitchat anymore."

"I'm going, asshole!" The woman opened the door and got out, to then slam the door shut, rising an abnormal irritation in me.

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