Know that I'm here (27)

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NOTE: For a better reading, when I point out during the chapter, listen to "Heart Like Yours" by Willamette Stone :)


POV Lauren Jauregui

*Three months later*

3 months have passed since the last time I visited Camila in the hospital. But I was always informed thanks to Dinah, Ally, Vero and Mani.

I returned to my old hobby, but of course, I had to change a lot of things, not only the method, but also my choice of victims. I have to admit that my dark side only surfaced due to lack of hope. Camila was the only one who controlled me and understood me, even not knowing who I am. And now, after so long in that hospital bed without any reaction, without any sign that she could wake up, I was hopeless and living with the little humanity I had left.

I stopped going to the hospital, I just send gifts sometimes. My heart for some reason was hurting and getting increasingly weakened in that place. I decided not to see her anymore. It was a good decision. It didn't make any difference anyways. Spending hours at her side without being sure that she was listening or that someday she will wake up, was only destroying me. I moved on, I went back to work at the club the next day. Halsey and I were strangely getting along well, she was a little nagging, bossy and incredibly talented, we had more in common that I expected.

It has also been 3 months since I haven't spoken to Taylor, she texts me almost every day and it was through her that I found out that my father was hospitalized a few times, and in the same hospital that Camila was. But I didn't bother to go see him, in fact, I haven't bothered with anything at all. I've only devoted myself to music, it's the only thing that has made me feel good in these last few months.

I turned on the TV on a random channel, but something caught my attention. In a newscast they were talking about the brutal murders that have taken place in these last few months. I brought a spoonful of cereal up to my mouth, my eyes were focused on the news. The taste of the cereal along with the milk almost made me moan.

"A series of murders have left the population on alert. After the disappearance of the Maniac Polaroid, we have a new kind of maniac. The police didn't reveal if the murders have a pattern or some kind of method, they also didn't say if there's any connection between the two maniacs."

I let out a nasal laugh, bringing another spoonful of cereal up to my mouth. I turned off the TV, a cynical smile was playing on my lips.

The police didn't reveal anything because they don't know absolutely anything.

I try to be humble, but it was inevitable not to think that I'm more intelligent than the entire Miami Police Department. Pitiful in a sense.


As an everyday habit, I woke up to go to the flower shop. Walking by some beautiful flower arrangements, I saw the woman who worked there tirelessly every day.

-Buenos días, Maria. – I said smiling, and delicately the woman turned to look at me.

-Lauren, sweetie, long time no see. – she said obviously joking, since I've been coming to her establishment every day for the last 3 months.

-I brought you some coffee. – I said extending a closed box in my hands.

-Sweetie, you know that I don't drink that crap. – she said feigning irritation – Come, have a seat, I'll serve you some real coffee.

-I'm kidding, Maria. I brought those doughnuts that you liked the other day. – I said laughing and watching her disappear from my line of sight in slow steps and waving impatiently at my joke.

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