Guns and fire (11)

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POV Camila Cabello

*Police Station, Monday, 10:25PM*

I ordered for Lauren to be taken to the restricted room, there was a table, chairs and a small bed, in case the criminal had to spend the night there. She would be fine. Normally we only send to that room the dangerous criminals, to isolate them, but I didn't want Lauren roaming around the precinct with these bad elements circling around. A small excess of caution.

-Hi, Mani. – I approached her giving her a hug, which she promptly reciprocated.

-Mila, what's happening? They went to my work. – she was very nervous.

-Relax, Mani. – I held her hands that were cold – Have a seat, please.

-Lauren didn't show up at the club today. – she said sitting in front of me.

-I know. Lauren is here. – I smiled at her to reassure her – Mani, a murder happened yesterday. – she listened to me attentively – A young man that was with Lauren in the club. – she widened her eyes, she seemed to not understand anything – Well, she's on our suspect list.

-Wh... What? Lau... Lauren? N... No, Camila, there must be some mistake. – she stuttered and said it all very fast.

-Mani, you understand that this is a standard procedure? – she thought, but nodded – Since she was seen with him, I had to bring her in and interrogate her. – Normani nodded again – I asked you to come here because Lauren said that she was with you at the time of the murder.

-I slept in Lauren's house yesterday. – she said calmly.

-That's what she told me. – I got up and grabbed a glass of water, handing it to her – So you were together?

-Yes, of that I am 100% sure.


Everything went well in the interrogation with Normani, and I was very gentle with her when I interrogated her, much softer than with Lauren, but I needed that pose, it was my job and she was on the suspect list. Who made this list? No one.

As soon as the young man's body was found, the investigations began, I started with the club's security cameras, since I had seen him with Lauren.

With authorization, I went to the club and had access to the footage from last night. Lauren was seen with him inside the club and outside. But what she didn't know nor could know, because it's sensitive information, is that as soon as she entered the club, Luke Scott was seen with another man, the two seemed to be arguing and Luke was pretty nervous. After the argument, Luke left the place. Making Lauren and the mysterious man the number one suspects.

Obviously I don't believe that Lauren was part of it, but it was my job, I couldn't let anything pass by. The man who was seen with Luke was easily identified, he was one of the largest drug dealers of Miami, which would explain a lot and would leave him as the prime suspect. Luke was answering a process for having murdered his ex-girlfriend, he had been released and I doubted that he would be caught again, his parents have a lot of money and in this man's world, money buys everything, even lives, it's frustrating.

After interrogating Normani quickly, I received the victim's father, he seemed so cold and unbothered with his son's death. I informed him that we had initiated the investigations and that there were two suspects. It was hard to pronounce Lauren's name, but I needed to do it, and I also informed that Luke was involved with a drug dealer. Mr. Scott huffed and murmured something that I'm sure sounded like "About damn time". I confess that I was shaken with his words about his son.

I was really relieved with everything, Lauren was still waiting for me in the other room and I would break the news that she was no longer a suspect in this case. She spent the day tormenting me inside that room, every flip of her hair, every look, every wink, she was a temptation, and problems aside, I missed her touches so much, her kisses and caresses, God, that woman was the devil.

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