Medical report (24)

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POV Lauren Jauregui 

When I calmed down, I called Dinah again and wrote down the hospital's address. I put on the first outfit I found and drove to the location. I was refusing at all costs to believe that what happened to me while I was with Sté was something more than a coincidence. But coincidence or not, it doesn't matter, what matters now is only Camila's state. I parked near the hospital and headed towards the reception.

-I'd like to know in which room is Ms. Camila Cabello. – the young woman who was looking at me with a bored expression, started typing something on her system. My hand involuntarily squeezed my phone, I was clearly impatient.

-I'm sorry, but there's no Camila Cabello here in this hospital – the woman looked at me, chewing a gum. I was about to kill her, choking her with it.

-Look again. – I said without a shred of patience.

She went back to search and looked at me cynically. The sound of the computer keyboard along with the gum that the chubby woman was chewing, was irritating me more and more.

-Like I said, there's no Camila Cabello here.

I slammed my free hand on the counter and laughed humorlessly. In an abrupt act, I turned the computer screen towards me.

-Here, for the love of God, it's Cabello with two L's. TWO! – I made a two with my fingers for her to see. If I had correctly pronounced Camila's name then I'd never find her here.

-You seem a little nervous, Lauren. – that familiar voice made my body shudder. I turned slowly, coming across Rob, he had a victorious smile on his lips – In fact, I always find you like this.

-I'm not in a good mood today, I just want to know how's Camila. Where is she?

-You shouldn't be here.

-Please, I want to see her. – I gathered all the calmness I had.

I swear I didn't know why, but I needed to know if the brunette was alright.

-You don't want anything, Lauren. – Rob inched closer – Do you really think that you can invade my life like this? Try to steal my job? My wife?

-I didn't steal anything from you, you are the one who's taking everything from me. – I closed my hands into fists – But Camila... – I took a deep breath and laughed sarcastically – Camila will never be yours, and you know why? – he remained silent – Because you don't deserve her and she'll realize that.

-That's what we'll see. – he said through gritted teeth.

-I've already lost too much time with you, tell me where she is.

-I will not tell you. – he said crossing his arms.

-Room 45, Miss. – the voice of the woman at the counter sounded like music to my ears, and I didn't even bother to turn and thank her, just smiled at Rob who huffed angrily.

In long strides I arrived to my destination, finding Dinah crouched with her hands buried in her hair. I approached her and kneeled in front of her.

-Dinah. – my voice came out as a whisper.

In the same instant, she looked up at me, her eyes were completely red and wet. I grabbed her hand and stood up, pulling her with me.

-I should've gone with her, Lauren. – Dinah hugged me, catching me completely by surprise. Gradually my body relaxed and I automatically hugged her back.

-Shhh, calm down, everything will be alright. – I whispered in her ear.

Dinah sniffed, pulling away from me. With the back of her hands, she wiped her eyes.

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