Chapter 31: Drugs.

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*Livvy’s Point of view*

I woke up, feeling a lot better, than yesterday. I didn’t know what was happening, but I’m glad I felt better. I was about to get out of bed, but I then saw that Harry’s head peeked inside the room. When he saw that I was awake, he walked over to me and sat down. “Hey baby, how are you?” He asked, whilst embracing me into a hug and kissing my head. “I feel better today..” I answered mumbling into his neck. He then picked me up, and carried me downstairs. “Hey Louis, she’s awake, make sure you have breakfast ready!” Harry yelled halfway downstairs. Oh, right ‘Louis’ was here, which I had no idea who he was.

When we finally arrived downstairs Harry placed me onto a chair. I then saw Louis for the first time. He had beautiful blue eyes, and he looked really sweet kind of like Niall, but we all know how Niall turned out. He wanted to rape me twice and kill me because I didn’t love him back, what if Louis is the same way?

“Here sweetie, have some breakfast.” Louis said, with a beautiful bright smile on his face. He made an omelet for me, and it looked delicious! “Thanks!” I chirped and ate it all up in like a really short time. They just stared at me. “What. Have you never seen a hungry girl in your entire life!?” They both started to laugh, which caused me to giggle. I then had a bad feeling in my stomach. I ran upstairs and locked myself up into the bathroom. Then knelt down to the toilet and started to vomit.

*Harry’s Point of view*

Louis and I ran after Livvy, but she locked the door. We knocked against it, but she didn’t open. Then we noticed she was puking. Louis just looked at me, I don’t even know why. ”Harry..she’s not… she?” I now knew what he meant. My eyes widened. “Gosh, Louis! She’s not pregnant! We didn’t even have sex yet!” I told him quite shocked of his thoughts. “Yet?” He just responded. “Lou, stop being a pervert. I don’t even know if we’ll ever have some, but I do know I don’t want to rush things! She’s only 16!”

“Livvy, are you okay? Let me in, please! Open the door!” I yelled. She didn’t open, but I was scared if I left the door now, that something would happen, so I stayed.

*Livvy’s Point of view*

I heard Harry yell throughout the door. I didn’t open it yet. I made sure to wash my face and everything. I then unlocked it, but sat down on the cold tiles. Harry basically came running to me. “Baby, what happened?!” He asked me worriedly. “What is happening to me!?” I started to cry. Harry sat down next to me, taking my small hand in his, holding it tight. “I don’t know Babe, I really don’t know. If this isn’t getting better, I’m taking you to a hospital.” I just looked up at him, starting to cry even more. He hugged me, we both looked back at Louis, who was quite unsure of what to do. He just stood there awkwardly, while Harry and I tried to figure something out, at least try to understand what was happening and why I was starting to feel like this. I can’t be pregnant, we didn’t have sex and I didn’t have sexual contact with anyone before, so that’s not it..

After what had happened earlier, we just tried to relax. I felt okay again, but I really didn’t know why I had to puke, but I’m glad that’s over. I’m glad everything was fine now. Harry, Louis and I were watching some TV and just having a good time. We had some good laughs and I got to get to know Louis a little better, and it seems like he’s nothing like Niall. Thank god. What bothered me though is that Harry looked at his watch every second. “Harry, why the fuck are you staring at your watch the whole time!? It’s annoying!” I mumbled, kind of pissed off. “Babe, watch your language, and I have to go somewhere, and I obviously don’t want to be late.” He answered. Wait he’s going to leave me again?! “Wait, you’re going to leave me while I’m sick?!” I basically screamed in his face, he then covered my mouth with his hand. “Babe, you’re not going to be alone remember, Louis is still here, so you don’t need to worry. You’re going to be fine.” He reassured me. But I freaked out completely. There was a Vase, I picked it up and just threw it onto the floor, since I had such an anger at Harry right now.

I screamed throughout the whole house. They first just stared at me, but when I broke the Vase Harry walked over to me, just standing there, with a really pissed off facial expression. I was still having my mood swing, so I began to scream at him. “Why the fuck would you leave me alone?! You do realize Niall wanted to rape me twice and tried killing me!! What if he is the same way! What if he’s trying to take my virginity and not you! What if he touches me, what if he does anything to me while you’re gone doing your shit!!” Louis still sat on the couch, and his mouth dropped open. Harry moved towards me, cupping my face with a rough movement. “Louis is not like that! Shut your fucking mouth this instant! What the fuck has gotten into you, baby?! You’re totally overreacting about this situation! I’m just going to be away for around two hours, and Louis will take good care of you!” He clinched. “Right, only around ‘two hours’ it’s not like I’m going to be stuck with him two fucking hours. I still don’t believe he’s much different than Niall, he’ll rape me or hurt me, I know he’s going to do something to me! I can feel it Harry! Oh yeah, and I’m totally overreacting, it’s not like you were almost raped before, yeah it’s no big deal at all, ‘your girl’ will just lose her virginity to someone else, who the fuck cares!” I replied in a bitchy tone.

“Enough! I know Louis longer than Niall, and he’s a better person than you think, you don’t know him!” He screamed. “Exactly! That’s the point! I don’t know him!!” I yelled back. Louis still sat there, whilst we’re having an argument about him, boy I didn’t want to be him right now. He must feel really bad, seeing me talk about him so badly, but I just didn’t want to go through the same thing with a different guy. I think Harry has had enough, so he walked over to Louis, pointing to me. Louis stood up and stood right behind me, grabbing my waist. What the actual fuck is happening here?! “Louis let go!!” I screamed, that’s when he pushed his thumbs in even more, which hurt so much, tears started to fall. “No can do sweetie, I have to make sure you won’t run away.” He whispered leaning close to my ear.

When Harry came back, he had a little tiny sack of powder in his hands. I didn’t know what it was. He came closer. He stood right in front of me, holding the little sack in my face. I stared at it. “Do you know what these are?” He asked me, staring right into my eyes. I thought about it, but literally had no clue. So I denied his question with a simple ‘No..’ Then he told me, what I wasn’t expecting. “These, baby, are drugs. And I’m going to drug you, if you keep going with your bratty attitude.” He told me. I was shocked. HE WAS GOING TO DRUG ME?! For real?!

I tried to get out of Louis’ grip, but he pushed his thumbs even more into my thighs, so I started to squeal. Harry and Louis talked silently, so I didn’t hear a thing, and they nodded in agreement. I didn’t know what was going on, but I had the feeling they were about to drug me.

Harry started to put the little bag near my mouth and nose. “Now baby, just breathe it in. Don’t make it worse than it already is. Just go with it, okay?” Harry said. I didn’t want to get drugged, by the one I loved! I tilted my head to side, Harry then put the bag down, just looking at me. Tears ran down my cheek, he put the tiny bag on the coffee table, cupping my face, looking straight into my eyes. I hated when he did that, I felt so helpless. “Please, Harry, I’m sorry, d-don’t drug me, please” I cried, whilst he was still looking at me, never losing eye contact.

“Babe, you do realize your behavior was totally unacceptable. First you screamed at me, you broke one of my vases, you used language you’re not allowed to, and you talked bad about Lou, now give me one good and simple reason why I shouldn’t be doing it.” He said, while waiting for my answer. I thought about it, for a very long time. He went to get the bag again, when I tried to say something he turned back at me. “Uhh, you-u shouldn’t do it, because yo-u-u love me?” I stuttered. He walked over, saying these exact words “Yes, baby, you did get that right, I do love you very, very much, but still you disobeyed my rules, and now you have to live with the consequences, and this time I think you deserve something worse than slaps, I think you’ve never been drugged, so today is your lucky day, baby!” He chirped. How the heck can he chirp around now? I mean I love him and everything, he’s the one I really did love, but sometimes I couldn’t believe what he was doing to me.

He held the bag where it was before, right before my nose and mouth. “You now know what to do babe, just do it. It won’t hurt I promise, just take a deep breath.” He instructed me. I gulped. I wasn’t really sure about this, I mean I’m going to be unconscious..but what else can I do now? Nothing, so I took a deep breath and inhaled the drugs. I started to see everything blurred, Harry gave me little peck before everything went black. I fell down, but they caught me before I would hit the floor, they placed me on a soft material, and that’s all I remember from there.

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