Chapter 40: Confused.

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I can trust him. I can trust him. I told myself over and over again. “Hey uh, you up for some fun?” Zayn asked shyly. “What you wanna do?” I asked curiously. He came up to me, pushing me against the nearest wall. Not again. “Us. Let’s do it.” He licked his lips. “Zayn, I thought I can trust you! You’re no difference than everyone else I met! Bastard you!” I yelled in his face, which he didn’t like. He went close to my zipper, when he reached it, he zipped it down to the bottom, unbuttoning my jeans. “You got to admit babe, you like it.” He smirked, his eyes full of lust. His fingers went down my panties, coming near my private area. I squealed. “Zayn stop it! Please, you’re not like this, what happened to the nice and kind Zayn?!” I asked, trying to get out of this situation. “The nice and kind one…was never real. I just pretended to be like this, to get you to do this. That we can do this.” He smiled up at me. His eyes darkened immediately. I tried to push him away, therefore his phone fell out of his jean pocket, and that’s where the worst part happened.

*Harry’s Point of view*

I heard my phone ringing. Still no sight of Livvy. Where could’ve she gone. I sighed before I picked up my annoying ringing phone.

“Hello?” I asked. I didn’t get a response at first so I repeated myself again. I hate when this happens.

“Hello? Who is this?” I asked again, quite annoyed. There were no voices so I was going to end it, but then it happened.

“Zayn, get the fuck away! If Harry was here right now, he’d kill you! No, stop, don’t touch me like that!” I heard a very familiar voice screaming. Livvy. So all along, she was with Zayn. He had lied to me, that means I will mess him up. That asshole. Nobody touches her except me! What is so hard to understand about that! I hung up and ran outside, getting inside my car. I rushed to Zayn’s flat. It wasn’t very far from here, so it was a quick drive. They both didn’t know I was coming. The phone must’ve dropped when they had some apparently what he would call “Sexy time”, which probably wasn’t ‘sexy’ at all.

When I arrived, I climbed out of my car, making my way towards the front door, peeking through the window. And to my shock, he was undressing her. She was almost complete naked. He was literally torturing her. This was horrible, I didn’t even do this. As I know Zayn, he never locks his front door, so I twisted the knob and went inside, ready to mess shit up.

“You too having fun, I see.” I then spoke, getting their attention. Their faces turning from lust and anger into frighten ones. “Man, uh, what are you doing here?” Zayn asked nervously walking up to me. “You fucking lied to me. How dare you?!” I screamed in his face, taking him by his neck. I was taller than all of my friends, so it wasn’t hard for me to do things like this. Livvy was covering herself up, trying to find her clothes. “How dare you lie to me Zayn?! How!! Answer me!” I screamed again, tightening my grip. He didn’t answer, so I slammed his head against the wall, letting him fall into an unconscious sleep. “Why’d you run away?” I nnow asked, a bit calmer. Livvy’s eyes widened, when she saw what I’ve done too Zayn. His head was bleeding, so she was walking over to him, but I kept her away. “But Harry, he’s going to die!” She said, trying to get out of my grip. “He’ll be fine. But now, answer my question. Why did you run away?” I asked again, this time more seriously. “I-I, well..there were plenty of reasons. It’s not you, it’s just..everything else that has happened…the illegal wedding, and all of that stuff..” She stuttered, not aware of what will happen.

“You know exactly, I told you not to run away. And what did you do? The exact opposite.” I chuckled in an unbelievable way. “But  Harry, you don’t understand, you-“ She wanted to tell me something. “No, I won’t. I will never understand you completely, but you have to tell me. Why did Zayn touch you? He knows my rule. Nobody is allowed to touch you, except me.”  I flinched. She looked scared, though I didn’t really care about that, I know I can be frightening. “Harry, it’s not what it looked like. I tried to get away, but he had this lust in his eyes. His eyes darkened in seconds, there wasn’t much that I could’ve done!” She said with a shivery voice. I walked up to her, but she backed up. She didn’t want to be close to me. “Harry, please, don’t hurt me, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry!” She cried, still backing up. “Why would I hurt you, babe?” I asked her, waiting for an answer. All I did was, to get her trust back. Of course I will punish her, in a not so friendly way, but I had to earn her trust, for now. “Well…I ran away, I broke your rules..Of course you want to hurt me. After every tiny thing I’ve done, you hurt me, why wouldn’t you do it now?” She asked. “You’ve been through a lot babe, you just need  a break. Come on, let’s go home and get you some rest.” I told her, my hand ready to intertwine with hers. She didn’t know what to do, should she take it or just leave it.

*Livvy’s Point of View*

I wasn’t sure what to do. Take his hand and go back with him or try to leave it, and make my way out of here. All I know is, these were terrible choices. None of them would be right, I just want to go home, see my Mom and my Brother again. I miss them a lot. I haven’t spoken to them in months. Since Harry took my stuff out of there. Now I was stuck in this hell hole. If I go back with him, he might torture me. If I’d run away, all of this would happen over and over again. I sighed. I finally came to the decision, I’ll just go with Harry. It might’ve been the biggest mistake I could’ve made, but I didn’t have another choice. I took his hand tightly, him leading me to the car. We left Zayn unconscious in his flat. Harry can be brutal and violent. He didn’t care if he hurts the people, or not. I wonder if he can love. What if all of this was an excuse. Maybe he never loved me, and he was just using me as his wife. Maybe he was just doing all of this to have some fun in his dark life. I wanted to ask him, if he really loves me, but I’m scared of the answer. I’m not aware of what he’ll answer. It can be sweet or just horrible and mean. But I went with it either way. “Harry, do you love me?” I just plainly asked, to break the deep tension we have had. He gave me the ‘What?’ look. “Baby, of course I love you, why wouldn’t I?” he answered, still slightly confused. “Well, I’ve been wondering for a while now, if you can even love. You’re a horrible person, Harry. You hurt people over and over again and you don’t give a fuck about them. It’s like you don’t have a heart. So I’ve been wondering if you really love me, or if you’re just using me as a toy, to just have some fun in your own little dark world.” I replied sharply, which probably wasn’t a really good idea. He looked pissed off, and his neck vein appeared. Not a good sign. “First of all, how dare you talk to me that way?! And second of all, yes I don’t give many fucks about people I’ve hurt or even killed. But I can love. I chose you because you’re different. You’re a little bit more feisty and you play hard to get, I like that. If it wasn’t for you I probably would’ve killed you already. But I haven’t. And you know why? Because you’re important to me.” He said, his eyes filling with tears. I made him cry? Wait, that means..he does care about me. I never realized it. I know he can be frightening and terrible, but he did have a heart. He did care about me and I’ve never realized that.

“Harry, I’m sorry. I love you, I really do.” Was the last sentence spoken during the drive “home”.

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