Chapter 16

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~Natsu's P.O.V~

"What? What are you talking about Luce?" I was shocked at what she told me.

I put my hand on her shoulder and she just began to cry and put her hands up to her face to hide the falling tears.

"Luce what happened this morning? What did Gramp's have to talk to you about?"

She shook her head and refused to look at me. Why? Why won't she tell me whats happening? Why would she have to be taken away from me?

"Natsu, Lucy! What are you guys doing?" Erza asked as she walked over,

She saw my face and then she stared at Lucy. Her eyes widened in concern.

"Natsu, what's wrong with Lucy?"

I shrugged my shoulders to her and got closer to Lucy.

"Luce, talk to me. Why do you think that you are going to be taken away from me?"

I didn't notice that more people came up from behind me and one of them was Mira. She gently pushed away my hand from her shoulder and leaned down to whisper in her ear. Luce nodded her head and Mira got behind her.

"Natsu, I'm taking Lucy to the nurse's office to lay down. I'll have you called down when she is ready to come back to class. Thank you for being such a big help today." Mira explained while giving a gentle smile.

Mira and Lucy left the cafeteria and I was left with everyone asking me a bunch of questions that I didn't even know the answer too.

"I don't understand what is happening. She said that she need to talk to me and then she started to break down." I explained.

"Natsu, what did Lucy say to you?" Erza and Levy asked.

~No One's P.O.V~

"She said that Gramp's wanted her come back to his office after school and when I said that I would come along to, but she refused and when I asked why she said about her being taken away from me. I don't know what that means. Why would she be taken away?"

Erza and Levy glanced at each other; they believe that they know what is happening but they aren't fully aware on the situation. To make Natsu feel a little better they patted his back and said that it'll work out in the end.

The bell rang telling everyone that it was the end of lunch and that they have ten minutes left to get to the class. Natsu was the last one to leave the cafeteria because he was just hoping that Lucy would come back and explain everything to him, but she didn't come back. Actually she didn't even show up for class for the the rest of the day. Before Natsu noticed it was the end of the day and the last bell rang telling everyone it's time to go home. Natsu was at the front of the school waiting for Wendy to come. Erza, Levy, and Gray all walked up to him to see if he has heard anything new from Lucy. He shook his head no and stared at the ground.

"Minna!" a voice called out to them from a distance. Everyone turned; there was a small figure running towards them.

~Lucy's P.O.V~

After Mira and I Ieft the cafeteria: I laid down in the nurse's office. Mira went to go talk with Mr. Makarov after she help me lay down on the bed. I don't think that I'll be able to look at his face again. I just left him there. I hurt him. Tears fell down my face again. Mira came back into the room to tell me that I was allowed to stay and sleep for the rest of the day. I closed my eyes and ignored the world around me.

When I woke up the bell rang and I could heard the feet and voices of other students coming from the other side of the door. I sat up and rubbed my eyes; the clocked on the wall told me that school was over. I slept through the entire school day. I layed back down with thump and sighed. I'm suppose to meet with Makarov in a few minutes.

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