Chapter 1

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~Lucy's P.O.V~

        Beep, Beep, Beep was the noise that kept repeating in my head. I open my eyes and noticed that I wasn't in my room or in my house. The room I was in was white with a white chair next to me and had bright light comming in from a big window.

"Your finally awake." said a soft voice

        I looked over to the door and saw a lady in a long white coat. She had long white hair, big blue eyes, and she had a giant smile on her face. She walked towards me with a clip board in her hand. Instead of stopping at the end of my bed she went up to the machines that were right next ot me and made some notes on the clip board.

"Why am I here?" I asked with a raspy voice.

She looked at me confused

"Don't you remeber what happened?"

        I shook my head telling her no.

"Well you, Lucy Heartfilla saved a little girl from getting hit by a car."

        I saved a little girl from getting hit by a car? I thought about what she told me and something clicked in my head; I remember everything.

~Flash Back~

        I went into the kitchen to make a sandwhich. When I returned to the front porch there was a girl with blue hair put in pig-tail in my front yard looking for something. She had seemed to have found what she was looking for because she started running back to the field across the street before I could asked her if she needed help. As she was running I watched as she tripped and fell on the asphalt.

        But what caught my attention more was the noise of a car coming down the road. I looked up the street and spotted a black sports car. The car was swerving and speeding down to the street. It was like the driver was losing control of the car. (-_-.o-o.O-O.O0O) I reconized that car. How could I forget that my father left to go the bars with a few of his buddies? Every second he was getting closer to the little girl, who doesn't notice the car yet. I didn't know what to do, for some reason it felt like I wasn't able to yell out to the girl. So instead I ran down the steps towards the girl. As I was running toward her, she had gotten up and started rubbing her face. I put my hand on her shoulder she froze; the car was coming for both of us if we dont move quickly so I quickly pulled to girl on her feet and shoved her in the direction of my house away from the car. She was far away where she wouldn't get hurt, but she was still in the street. I was about ready to run to her again when I felt something hard and heavy hit my back.

        The next thing I remember is falling and hitting my head on the asphault, while rolling away from the car. I tried to pull myself up but my body refused to do so because of how much I pain I was feeling. My vision was starting to blurr,I heard shoes hitting the ground and they seemed to be coming closer to me. I felt a hand on my head, I looked up saw what could have been a face of someone but they had blurred out the details. The only thing I could see clearly was the blue that was on top of their head. I believed that it was the little I pushed out of the way.

"Y-your o-okay." I said quietly and put my hand on her cheek.

When I put my hand on her cheek I felt something wet.

        Was she crying? (A/N: This means Lucy's thoughts in the flash back.)

"OI!! Wendy! Are you alright?"

        I turned my head to the side to only see another blur but this one had pink on the top of thier head instead of blue and by how the voice sounded they seem to be a boy.

"Natsu, Wendy! You need to move away from her!"

        Wendy, Natsu

"Everybody get back she needs as much air as she can get and she can't do that when everyone is crowded around her. Laxus, I need you to call Makarov and tell him practice is canceled. I already called my department and they are getting everything ready. The ambulance should be here soon.

"Aye, Mira."

        Everything went black after that.

~End of Flash Back~

"Mi-Mira?" I said confused

        Mhmm the lady mumbled confused

"I-I remember what happened; and I remember hearing some names but the only one that I can remember is Mira."

"Well, that is interesting; I wonder why you remember my name and not the others." she said

        I looked at her confused on what she said. She notice my confusion and let out a giggle.

"My name it Mirajane Strauss, my friends call my Mira for short." She said sweetly.

"So, if your Mira then that means you were there and you saw what happened."

"Not exactly, at the time I was watching the baseball team practice for the up coming game and then I heard a car screech to a stop. When I looked over, you were on the ground and Wendy was next to you."


        I had sat up straighter hearing that name. I remember that Mira had talked with the girl who was next to me. Mira seemed to notice my change of posture and smiled.

"If your wondering about Wendy, she is safe and sound. The accident her shook her up a bit but all she had gotten out of it was a few scratches and bruses.

I let out a sigh of relief.


"Come in," Mira called out.

        Another person came into my room wearing the same white coat as Mira was wearing. Mira gotten up from her seat and walk walked over to the man. They were whispering about something, when they were done Mira came back over to me.

"Lucy, since you awake now we would like to take nsome test to make sure everything is working properly."

        I nodded my head and the man left and returned with a wheelchair in. Mira helped me out of bed but as soon as I dropped on to my feet from the bed, I fell. I tried to get up but I couldn't. Infact I already knew what was wrong with me. Tears fell down my face and I watch as Mira kneeled down next to me.

"Lucy, whats wrong? Are you in pain?"

        I shook my head telling her that, that wasn't it. I looked up at her worried face while letting the tears fall from my face.

"I-I can't feel my l-legs."

The Girl In The Wheelchair (NaLu Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now