Chapter 21

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~No One's P.O.V~

It was 7 o'clock when everyone in the Heartfilla household began stirring around. Half an hour later they were all at the breakfast table. Lucy being quieter this morning this usual just sat there and smiled every now and then. Around 8 o'clock Melody began to get Lucy ready for her doctors appointment. Since she took a bath last night it didn't take as long as it would usually. Melody and Lucy were both out of the house by 8:45. Leaving Yukino 15 minutes to get ready for Natsu and Wendy to arrive. 

She washed the dishes from breakfast and brought out some snacks for Natsu and Wendy. As time went by she actually got nervous. For she herself hasn't spoken to anyone about this not for years. Listening to the clock began to make her nervous. Nothing else need to be done so she sat in the chair and began shaking her legs. 

Finally the bell rang which caused Yukino to jump in her seat. "C-come in please." she called out. The door slowly open and close and a couple of footsteps have been heard right after. Yukino smile at the two figures. "Hello guys. How has your night been."

They were both silent but she notice the bags around Natsu's eyes. "It could have gone better." Wendy said.


Natsu was looking behind Yukino for something. "She isn't here Natsu. I told you that she wouldn't be home for a few hours so sit down please I would like to talk with you both."

They both listen to what she said and sat on the couch that was across from the chair Yukino was sitting in. Yukino kept her smile on the entire time. "Well, Natsu that was surprise wasn't it?"

Wendy look at him confused at what Yukino meant. While Natsu just stared at her. "She is scared you know."

"Of what?" he replied.

"Of herself. She thinks that the way she is now everyone will decide one day that she isn't worth to be around. She never had people like now. Even before the death of her mother and sister. I was the one who was there but I wasn't alway there for her. Jude is the worst type of person you would ever meet. When he is angry he is terrifying. I was told that before Lucy was born he was called a respectable man but for some reason after Lucy was born something happen. He just changed and from then it got worse after Michelle."

"What's does this have anything to do with Lucy?" Wendy ask.

"Well Lucy believes that since she told Natsu her feelings that she has ruined everything. She thinks is too much for you Natsu."

Wendy sat there in shock while Natsu took everything Yukino said in. 

"Why does she think so low of herself?"

"Because there has been no one else who has shown her who she truly was other and than you guys and Mom. Even when we were younger Jude barely let Melody come over because of me. He thought it was the worst decision Mom made when she adopted me."

"Adopted?" They both said.

"Yes adopted."

"I guess that explain why you have white hair and Melody had blonde hair like Lucy's." Natsu blurted out.

Yukino let a giggle out at him. "Well Yes. Well when I was adopted. Lucy and I would do things that would make him mad and he would blame her for being "Stupid for following and playing with such a dirty girl." he would say. Yukino's smile disappeared. Natsu and Wendy didn't say anything at what Yukino said so she continued talking. "Unlike Lucy, I would go home and Mom would comfort me or she would take me to a child therapists. Lucy stayed at home with him. Aunt Layla thought that it would be good to have someone around Lucy's age so she decided that Mom and I would only be able to come during the afternoon while Jude was at work for us to come over. But all that happened after the accident. Years ago something happen and for some reason now Melody believes that it was Jude who was behind it."

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