Chapter 9

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~Lucy's P.O.V~

        After the visit to my mother and sister we arrived back home around six p.m. Erza stayed for dinner; after dinner her and Natsu were talking about their game tomorrow.

"We have to be prepared for tomorrow Natsu, so you have to go to bed early." Erza said.

"Awe come on Erza, there is no way that those losers would beat us."

"Well we can't take the chance. No matter what."

"Who are you guys playing tomorrow anyway?" I interrupted them

"Our game is with Sabertooth. " Erza replied.


"Yes, why do you know them."

"Well I do actually. My cousin goes to Sabertooth; before my mother died my aunt would always come over with my cousin. I havent seen her since before the accident, but Loke had told me that she entered Sabertooth."

"Really? Who is you're cousin Lucy?" Erza asked

"Her name is Yukino."

"Oh, I think I seen her before. She has white hair right?" Natsu asked

"Yes, she does actually."

"Yes, I have also seen her on the team; even though they don't put her out in the field a lot." Erza said

        After that it started to get late so Erza went home and everyone went to bed.

~Next Day~

        Natsu and Wendy had woken up early and went to practice so it was just me and Virgo.

        It's kinda lonely without them here

        Well today is their big game before the season ends and then they are on break and I have decided to be there and support them. Theres an hour left before Virgo comes and gets me from my room and takes me to the field; so before I wanted to do something. I want to write a letter to my mom.

~Dear Mom,

        I'm glad to say that I have been smiling a lot more then usual. I don't feel empty anymore; but there is this one thing that is bothering and that is what's happening with Loke and the case with dad. I don't like how he hasn't told me anything that is happening. I just don't want to lose my friends, especailly Natsu. He is trying his hardest to keep me happy. That day on you're anniversary I was surprised what he did; I hope it made both you and Michelle happy as much as it did for me.

*Knock, knock*


"Mistress it is time for the game to begin."

"Ok, Virgo I actually just finnish writting so lets go."

        She opened the door and came behind my chair and started wheeling me to the front door. When we made it to the field everyone on the team noticed and waved to me. I waved back to them with a smile on my face. Just to think that if Natsu hadn't broken my window to my house then I wouldn't have a true genuin smile on.

"Oi, Luce!"

        I looked toward where the voice was comming from even though I knew who was calling. Natsu was waving at me from the entrace of the dugout; he was giving me and Virgo the signal to come to him.

"What's wrong Natsu?"

"Well I asked everyone and they said they were cool with you hanging out in the dugout instead of in the sun or next to the bleachers."

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