Chapter 4

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~Natsu's P.O.V~

Wendy and I are walking to Lucy's house with bags of clothes that are suppose to last us for about a week maybe even a little bit longer. The good part is I can take my time going to practice since it's across the street but the bad part is I have to work all week to start paying off the window while her cousin are gone.

"Tch, why do we have to wake up early?" I grumbled

"Because Natsu; were helping Lucy since Loke won't be there to help."

"She still has maids there helping her." I argued.

"No, she has one  maid and she is also going to be gone on vacation. I think she is more of a family friend than a maid anyways" Wendy said.

"She acts like a maid and gets paid like one so she isn't a family friend she is a maid."

I watch as she rolled her eyes at what I said. We finally arrived to the front porch of Lucy's house and a note was tapped on the door.

Dear Natsu and Wendy,

I very much appreciate that you are helping out with Lucy while Aries, Virgo, and I are away from her. I would just like to tell you a few things that you guys should do while we are away.

1. Do the laundry and the dishes.

2. Water the flowers every three days.

3. Vacuum the family room everyday.

4. Don't let Lucy stay in her bedroom all day.

5. Dust the house.

6. Make sure Lucy eats her food.

7. Whatever you do, DO NOT go upstairs.

These are all the things that you guys can do to pay off your debt and if it isn't to hard to ask please get Lucy to go outside. Try to take her to one of your guys practice. Just whatever you do make sure you know where Lucy is and what she is doing at all times.

P.S. If you need any help that will involve contacting me I have told Erza what to do I have also given her my cell phone number but I may be unreachable while I'm away. Thank you again for all of your help. I'll see you when I get back.


"That's strange?" Wendy said while looking at the list.

"What is? It's just a dumb chore list Wendy."

"No not that. It's just when it involves Lucy in the list and when he asks us to bring her to a baseball practice."

"What's strange about that?"

"It's just that she seemed normal when we met her and from reading this it seems like she can't be left alone for a long time."

"Whatever; I bet you it's nothing lets just go in and put our stuff down."


~Lucy's P.O.V~

Today is another beautiful day out. Except I'm not going anywhere; I'm staying in my room where I like it. No one can bother me. It will just me and my-


More banging could be heard from my bedroom door.


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