Chapter 13

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~No One's P.O.V~

        Natsu and Lucy were still in the embrace, but from what they didn't know was that a little blue haired girl was in the hallway listening to every single word. She was smiling as she peeked over to the side of the wall. She had to hold in her giggle when she seen the two hugging each other. The sneaky blue haired girl quietly got her phone out and muted all sounds. So that she will not be caught taking a picture of the two in the other room.

"Heehee, wait til Mira see's this." She whispered softly while smiling like a mad person.

~Next Day; Lucy's P.O.V~

         I feel really warm, The warmth that I was feeling was intoxicating and I wanted to never leave. My head was layingon something hard but it was really comfortable. I moved my hand around to see if I can figure out what I'm laying on. As I was doing this the thing I was laying on started to move, that also got me to notice that it was also breathing. 

        I opened my eyes and seen that I was laying on a sleeping Natsu. My face flushed and I began to feel uncomfortable, I push my arms under me so that I could sit up. I looked back at Natsu and relized that Natsu had no shirt on. I was laying on a shirtless Natsu, I looked around the room and seen that I wasn't in the guest room either. I was in Natsu's room.

I'm in Natsu's room. I'm in Natsu's room. I'M IN NATSU'S ROOM!!!!!

        If I could move I would have ran out of the room already or kicked him because of how embarresed I feel right now. I looked in his room to see if I could find my wheelchair but it wasn't in his room. So I was stuck in Natsu's bed with a sleeping, shirtless Natsu.

"Natsu! Natsu wake up!" I said while trying to shake his shoulder

"mmmm; not now Wendy I still need sleeeeeep." He said while turing on his side facing away from me.

"Natsu, come on wake up!"I said shaking his shoulder harder then the first time.

        But this time Natsu grabbed my hand and pulled me over the side of him. I made a loud squeaking noise as my body when  over the side of Natsu's body.When my whole body was on the other side of the bed. Natsu wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I was face towards Natsu's chest and when he pulled me closer his chin was resting on my head. 

        My face got so hot that I thought I was going to explode. I felt Natsu's chest move with mine each time I breathed in and out. I tried pushing away from Natsu but he just wouldn't budge no mater what I tried. I was seriously stuck. 

        I gave a sigh and closed my eyes to think of a way to get him to wake up when I heard the door opened. 

"Natsu, it's time to wake up or were going to be late." I heard Wendy's voice comming from the down. 

        She must have not seen me because of Natsu. I started to relax until I heard her footsteps come to the other side of Natsu's bed. 

"Natsu, come one wake up.Erza is going to be mad if you are not ready by bthe time she is her-"

        I turned my head so that I could see a red face Wendy.

"I-I-I- I di-didn't me-mean t-to inturrupt!" She said very fast and ran out the room and slamed the door.

"No,Wendy!" I yelled at the closed door.

        All the noise must have been waking up Natsu because he started to groan and move a little more. 

"Natsu, Natsu, NATSU!!!!"

"You're so loud Luce." I mumbled

"Wake UP!!! NOW!!!"

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