Chapter 20

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~No One's P.O.V~

Natsu exited the Heartfillia household. As he walked a few step he stop and turns around. He stares at the door with a sad expression. The expression on his face proves how much he wanted to go back inside. 

"I made her cry." he mumbled to him self with a sigh.

He put his hands in his pockets, kick a rock while slowly turning, and finally walk away from the house. He stared at the ground as he walk home. When he finally arrived he gave another sigh. When he open the door he was greeted by two small felines. One white and one blue.

"Hey guys. I know it's time for you guys to go eat. I'm getting it." He walk past them ann they both followed him while meowing their loudest. 

He grab their bowls and filled them up with food and water. As the cats were eating he bent down and pet the blue cat. 

"I did something stupid again Happy. I made her cry today." he said sadly

The cat stop eating and turn towards him and meowed before quickly getting back to his food. 

"Thanks for your concern Happy." He chuckled to himself before standing up. Walking out of the kitchen and through the living towards a set of stairs. Stomping up he went to the first door that was on the left side of the hallway. He turn the knob and open the door to a messy room.

Papers and clothes are everywhere, on the floor, on the bed, and even on the desk that seem to used as clothes holder than a regular desk to sit and work at. 

Natsu walk over to his bed and push everything on top of it off on to the floor. He then plop on his bed and stared at his ceiling. The way he saw it wasn't his ceiling. He pictured the moment of him and Lucy staring up at the stars that night. He came home smiling that night. He believe that he had gotten a little closer to Lucy. But now he doesn't know where he was at with her. 

He close his eyes and just got lost in sleep. Before he knew it something light but heavy enough landed on his chest. He woke up with a jolt. He look to see Happy sitting on his chest. 

"Geeze Happy. Why can't you let me sleep?" He pick up Happy and sat up.

He look over at his clock and and it said 8:15 p.m. With a yawn he set Happy down on the floor and got up. He went to down the hall to the last door. It was Wendy's room. He open it to see that she wasn't home yet. After that he shut the door and went downstairs to the kitchen. 

He open a cabinet to grab a package of Ramen Noodles. He felt really hungry so he grab another package before shutting the cabinet. As he got the pan and the water going he didn't hear the front door open and close shut. He turned on the oven and set the pot full of water on a burner when Wendy came into the kitchen.

"It's kinda late for Ramen isn't?" she ask him.

He turn towards her smiling "It's never to late for Ramen but speaking of which isn't it to late for you to be coming home right now?"

"Yeah I know. We just got caught up in talking with Melody and Yukino and Erza had to help Lucy with her bath since Virgo wasn't able to come back right away tonight." She said.

"Ah, well tomorrow is friday and we got after school practice but if you want you can go over to Lucy's and hang out. I don't think coach will mind a-"

"What happened tonight Natsu? I don't usually see you get upset enough to leave like that? Lucy was also quite upset."

*Sigh* "Don't worry about it Wendy."


"Because I said so."

"You made her cry Natsu. What happened!" She raise her voice. 

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