Chapter 2

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When Lucy opened her eyes she saw that she was in a white room which was a hospital room. Lucy didn't remember what had happen to cause her to get into the hospital until someone from the accident came into her room. In the end Lucy found out that she was unable to move her legs.

~Lucy's P.O.V~

        It has been a month since I have been paralyzed from the waste down. After I woke up Mirajane had told me that the doctors suspected that I would be paralyzed but they weren't for sure. They did tests on me to see if I would ever be able to walk again; but the odds were against me. Worst of all I was they told me that I won't be able to have children.

        My father had gotten four months in jail for a DWI and reckless behavior. The police brought him to my room in the  hospital and they had ask me some questions. While I was talking to the police, the doctors talked with my father. They told him of my condition. He snapped; the fact that I can't walk and that I wouldn't be able to bear a child broke him. He tried throwing everything he could reach and yelled that this was all my fault. Not long after the doctors sedated him and the police took him to jail.

       I just sat still. The doctors had put me in my new wheel chair. Before the police came in with my father I had them face me towards the window and that's where I stayed even when my father began his fit. I stared out at the blue sky and the white clouds floating in the air. I turned my head a little to the left; in the corner of my eye I was able to see my fathers face. He showed the same face when my mother and sister died. The face that always reminded me of how it was my fault; the face that showed how he hated my entire existence. 


        Now, I'm back at home. It's hard for someone to go back to how their life used to be when you are now forever to be in a wheelchair; so all I ever do is stay in my room staring out of my  window. The only reason I really leave my bedroom it's usually to see Mirajane. Mirajane has become my home visit doctor. At first she didn't like the idea of me being by myself in a big house; but in the end I told her that I have a maid and my cousin Loke and his wife Aries was staying over until my father is released from prison.  

*Knock, knock*

"Come in." I called out.


"Hey." I said not taking my eyes away from the window.

"Lucy," Loke said worried.

Hmmm? I mumbled

"Look Lucy today is a bright sunny day. Why don't you take a shower have Virgo help you get ready in the sundress Aries gave you."


"Lucy, please everyone is worried about you. Mira said that it's unhealthy for you to be locked up in this bedroom all the time. You need to get some fresh air and let the sun touch your skin."


I heard footsteps come closer to me and then I felt my wheelchair being turned around to where I was face to face with Loke. He had a determined look on his face. 

"Lucy, please you haven't been talking to anyone since you left the hospital. You may say a few words but thats all I get out from you."

I turned my head away from him. I don't want to leave my room, I just want him the leave me alone.

"Lucy look at me."

I refused by staring at the wall still. Then he grabbed my chin so I had to face him.

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