Chapter 3

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 ~Lucy's P.O.V~

I was shocked that the one out of four people who have entered my house is the person I saved from my father. I smiled at this because I thought it was funny; I thought that the world was trying to tell me something, but to tell you the truth. I don't want to listen to what the world has to say to me. I look around at everyone in the room. They all had shocked faces on.

*clearing my throat* "Wendy, was it?" I asked the petite girl with blue hair.

She nodded her head.

"Well, Wendy I'm glad that I got to see you again but I'm sorry that I have to say that you all need to leave I have a doctors appointment to get prepared for." I half lied because Mirajane was coming over to do my physical therapy but I don't need to prepare for it. 

"Wait, we needed to speak with you about your window." said a scarlet red haired girl.

"My window?" I asked confused

"Yes, we came here today so that we can apologise for breaking your front window." She said

"Oh, that is what that breaking sound was."

"Well, Natsu do you have anything to Miss?"

"Lucy; just Lucy please."

"Okay, Lucy. Do you anything that you wanna say to Lucy; Natsu?" The scarlet haired woman asked a pink haired man sitting next to Wendy.

"Ummm...well...I'm sorry for breaking your window." He said without looking me in the eye.

"And?" The scarlet haired woman said

"And?" he replied back.

"What Natsu means to say that he'll help you with whatever you need."

"What?" He yelled back at the scarlet hair woman.

"Yes, Natsu. We both know that you cannot afford to pay Lucy back for the broken window so you should help her with chores around the house until you have paid it off."

Out of the corner of my eye I had seen Loke enter back into the dining room.


"NO! This is final Natsu."

"May I say something." I asked

The scarlet haired woman nodded

"There really is no problem with the window. Natsu was you're name right?" I asked the pink haired man


"You don't need to worry-"


I turned my head to face Loke and I had gave him my annoyed smile.

"Yes, Loke?"

"I'm sorry to interrupt but you need to take his offer on helping you."


I was cut off because Loke grabbed my chair and told everyone that he needed to speak with me for a little bit.

"What was that for Loke?"

"There is a problem."

I looked at him confused

"It's with Jude." He said.

My eyes widen.

~Natsu's P.O.V~

When she left with the orange haired man I stood up irritated. "Why would you do that Erza? She doesn't need my help." 

"Natsu, it's the least you could do; and beside if you come over to help Wendy can help as well."

I looked at Wendy and she held pleading eyes

I slump back into the chair. "Uhg, fine!"

"Then it's settled; Natsu/he will help Lucy/you." said Loke and Erza at the same time

~Lucy's P.O.V~

After the little talk with Loke I had the worst feeling in my stomach. I just couldn't believe what he told me was true.

"I got a message saying that Jude will be given a trial. Depending on how the trial goes he will either get sent back to prison or sent home because of his good behavior."

"He cannot come home; at least not right now. I haven't figured out a plan yet."

"I know, I know; Lucy there is nothing you can do if he gets sent home because he still has custody over you." Loke replied.

"He cannot return, you'll know what he'll do to me Loke."

"Lucy, even if you leave he will always find you."

He's right even if I left this house he will find me. If I did leave there is no where I could go anyways I can't go with Loke and Aries; I don't want them to get in trouble. 

After Loke said that he brought me back into the dining room. When we entered everyone was quiet and looking at me.

"Well, Lucy would be glad to have your help um....?"

"Natsu." the pink haired man said

"Natsu, I'm sure Lucy appreciates your help especially now since my wife and I are leaving for a short trip." Loke said I look at his confused.

"Well that's perfect then, right Natsu?" the scarlet haired woman asked

"Ya; whatever." He grumbled back.


I looked over to Wendy who spoke

"Yes, Wendy?"

"Well...I... w-was...wonderingifIcouldhelpNatsu?" she said super fast

I smiled at her, she seems so sweet and shy. She reminds me of-NO!!! Lucy, stop don't think about the past anymore. The past is the past and nothing can change that.

"Of course you can Wendy." I replied

She gave a huge grin after I said that.

"Well, we have stayed here long enough. Thank you for your hospitality Lucy and if you have any problem's with Natsu please don't be scared to tell me." the scarlet haired woman said.

"Well I would love to but I don't even know your name so how am I able to tell you anything if I don't know your name yet."

"Oh, my apologies. My name is Erza Scarlet and this guy right here is Gray Fullbuster and you already know Wendy and Natsu now."

"Well, nice to meet you Erza, Gray, Wendy, and Natsu." I said to them as they were leaving the dining room

Before Erza left she had yelled back to me saying that Natsu will be over tomorrow. After that was just the sound of silence in the whole house.


I turned my head toward Loke

"Why are you leaving?

"Lucy not now please."

"No, Loke. I want to know now. Is it because of him you're going to go see him aren't you?"

He didn't reply to me so I guess that answered my question. I put both of my hands on my head an rubbed my temples because I was gaining a head-ache. 

"Why? What are you trying to accomplish? All you'll be doing is making him angry and then you'll be in trouble. Don't put Aries back into that position. Especially with the baby now.

"Lucy, I can't just leave things like they are. I'm sorry but I'm going to Jude's trail and that's final."

"Fine, do whatever you want Loke. Just be careful." I said to him

A/N: Chapter 3 corrections are done.

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