Chapter 6

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*Sigh* "Well,  this doll is special to me. She used to belong to my little sister. "

"You're sister?" Natsu asked confused.

I nodded my head and looked out the window trying to hold in the tears.

"I didn't know you had a sister. I mean theres no photos of her in the main floor of the house; infact the only photo that I scene was the one on the entertainment stand in the family room."

"Ah, ya. That's the picture of my mother." I said still staring at the window.

        Natsu came closer to me but I ignored him and just stayed staring out side my window looking at the sky. Natsu put his hand on my chin and made me face him, He used his other hand to whipe my face because I had started crying. I moved his hand away from my face and rubbed my eyes.

"Luce, why do you cry when you talk about you're family? I noticed that you also started to cry when Romeo asked the question about you're dad."

"It hurts to talk about them." I replied to him

"I bet if you tell me more that it will make you feel better?"

        I shook my head no, I wasn't ready to talk about them yet.

"Then how about you tell me what your sister looked like?"

        I looked at him, he is trying really hard to make me feel better. So what I did was I picked up the doll and showed it to him. He was confused on why I was doing this and it made me giggle at him. 

"So....." He said

        I laughed again

"My sister looked exactly like this doll.  With her wavey, light dirty blonde hair; how she would always were blue dresses like this. With her blue eyes, this doll is my little sisters mini me. It's funny actually, when she was little I would always make paper clothes for my sisster; for this doll. I said to him

"Oh, I understand now. So why do you have your sisters doll? I mean where is your sister."

"Well, she...she....she is far away fr-from m-me. Wh-when I was little-" Tears started pouring down my eyes from this point remembering what happened.

        Natsu got closer to me and hugged me. He was rubbing my back and and saying that it was okay in my ear. I stayed there and cried while Natsu hugged me; he was trying to help me get through it. No one other than Loke and Aries has showed me this kind of kindness and how they truly care for me like Natsu and Wendy have. At first I thought it was just because they owed me but now I truly understand that they want to be my friend and to get to know me more. 

        I let go of Natsu and looked at him, his face showed that he was worried on what I was doing. I rubbed my eyes again so that I can clearly look at him. 

"N-Natsu, do you w-want to know why I-I'm by myself in this house?"

"Yes, I do; I want to know more about you."

        My face started to heat up at this comment; even though I know it means nothing because no one will like or love me because of how I am right now. 

"Natsu where's Wendy and Erza I think that they should hear this too." I said looking at the sky through my window. 

"Erza is still at practice and Wendy went to go tell Erza what happened with gramps. Why?"

"Be-because I think that you all should know, since all of you have been taken care of me."

        With that Natsu nodded and got off the bed and headed to the door. He looked back at me and I smiled at him; telling him that I'll be fine on my own for a little while. Then he left leaving my bedroom door wide open. 

Wide open huh, I guess it's time to unlock the door that I have been hiding behind. Wish me luck Mama, Michelle. (A/N: Lucy said this in her thoughts.)

        It took a little while before Natsu, Erza, and Wendy came. To my surprise Gray came with them. They all came into my bedroom and either sat on my bed or sat in the chair that Wendy brought in when she was helping me; but Natsu sat right next to me.

"I asked Natsu to bring you here because I think it's time for me to open up to you guys and tell you the reason why the 2nd floor is off limits to all of you and since I'm going to be joining you at Fairy Tail High I think that this is the best time to tell you all."

        I looked at them, they all looked at me; their eyes telling me that they wanted to know. Natsu grabbed my hand and squeezed it; I smiled at him and smiled at everyone else.

"I would say that ever since I was a child I have had a hard life. I grew up in a family of four. There was my father Jude, my mother Layla, and my little sister Michelle. When I was a child my father always told me not to leave the house without permission, my mother didn't like the fact that he wanted to keep me and my sister Michelle in the house like caged birds. So one day when my father was on a business trip and mother took that chance for her to take me and my sister to where ever we wanted to go. My mother
wanted us to experience everything we could in one day; but what we didn't notice was that she over worked herself. I didn't know that the day before my father left; they had an argument and my father is the kind of person who takes it too far. We were driving home an-and it was late at night. I guess my mother past out at the wheel; the car started swerving all over the road. The front of the car was crushed by a semi-truck, my mother di-died instantly; but my sister Mi-Michelle was seriously injured and had to be flown to the nearest hospital. She was in a coma but the doctors said that if she would ever wake up she wouldn't be able to talk, eat, or even walk. Wh-when my f-father was told of this he said to take her off life support so they did and sh-she died in the hospital." 

        Tears just came out of my eyes remembering what happened. Wendy showed a sorrow filled face, Erza and Gray were just processing what I just said; while Natsu just sat next to me and squeezed my hand harder. 

"I-I h-had a broken arm and leg bu-but nothing to serious that could endanger m-my life; be-because of that my f-father blamed me. E-every day I-I wou-would get yelled by my father and e-every day he would come home from work drunk."

        I looked at Wendy

"M-my father i-is in pri-prison because he was th-the one who hit me with the car; he wa-was the one who almost hit Wendy."

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