Chapter 8

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        Two days have passed since Loke has called.  As expected Virgo came home yesterday.  She surprised me; for once she smiled when she walked in on us playing bubble talk. (A/N: If you don't know what bubble talk is it's a game where you have a random picture and each players have seven cards in their hand and each card has a saying. The player has to choose the funniest saying from their seven cards that matches the picture.) That night Virgo and Natsu had an argument on if Natsu and Wendy should leave and that she is able to stay with me; but Natsu had to be stubborn and said that it's better for me to have him and Wendy here. After of a few hours of argumenting Virgo gave up and said that until Loke returns Natsu and Wendy can stay. 

        Today, was a early start for me and Virgo. Today were going somewhere special. It's 7 am and Natsu and Wendy are still sleeping. Virgo and I decided that it would be better if they didn't come with us; but before we left Virgo had left a note on the conter saying that we'll be gone. As Virgo was pushing me out the door I had this strange feeling that today's visit will be different then the rest.

~Natsu's P.O.V~

        I woke up with a stretch.  I turned to my side to see Wendy sleeping.

She must have a nightmare last night.

        I rubbed my hand on her head to wake her up.

"Oi, Wendy.  Come on its time to wake up.  We need to help Virgo get Lucy ready."

"Hai, hai" She said with a yawn.

        I sat up and stretched my arms above my head. Today is going to be a long day. I thought to myself; tomorrow is our game against Sabertooth. It's the last game until we go on our break.

        I got up and started heading toward the kitchen. It was strange though because usually Virgo had at least woken up by 7 and it only 8 o'clock right now; but there is no sign of here messing around in the kitchen. 

"NATSU!!!!" Wendy yelled to me.

"What's wrong Wendy?"

        She ran into the kitchen with a scared look on her face

"Lucy is gone; she isn't in her bedroom and I looked in her bathroom."

"That's impossible how can Lucy disappear like that, are you sure that she isnt outside or some where else in the house?

"No, the only other place is here the dining room and the family room other then that it's upstairs and the front door is locked. (A/N: They aren't worried about the dinning room or the family room because the way the kitchen is angled they can see into the dinning room and in the family room.)

        I went to the back door to see if it was opened but it was locked also. I put my hands on the counter and put my head down trying to think on what happened when my hand touch a piece of paper. I stood straight and grabbed the paper. It was a small note with Wendy's and my name on it. My eyes widen at what the paper had said.

"Natsu? Wh-whats wrong?"

I gave Wendy the note.

~Wendy's P.O.V~

        Natsu handed me the note he read.

Dear Mr.  Dragoneel  and Miss Marvell;
Mistress and I are leaving.

"Leaving?  Wh-Why would they leave all of a sudden?"

"I don't know why they would leave;  but we're going to look for Luce before she's gone. Are you ready, Wendy?"

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