Chapter 18

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~Lucy's P.O.V~

For some reason crying into Natsu's shoulder felt right. I know that in the future when ever I think back in my life I will always refer back to this moment. This moment of breaking down, this moment where I was at my weakest point but how none of that mattered because I had someone. I had someone like Natsu who was there to comfort me. I haven't cried like this in a long time. Not since, not since Mama died. That time when I cried; I cried with Loke. 

"N-Natsu, h-he took everything from m-me. H-he *Sniff* he destroyed my bed, my photo's, h-he took my letters. He took my l-letters to my m-mom. I couldn't f-find them Natsu. I-If you didn't get Michelle like you d-did, w-who knows what h-he w-would done to her."

"Shhh, Luce. Don't think like that. You have Michelle, she is perfectly fine. And those letters, they'll turn up. It's okay, don't think about all that he did. What you need to be thinking about what you can do now. How are you going to change your room? Do you want to paint it, or how about we put some wall paper up on the walls. At the store I saw this wallpaper and there was this giant dragon on it." Natsu said trying to cheer me up.

It work a little to. When he started talking about the dragon I was able to put a smile on my face, but he is right. I need to focus on what I can do now. I can write more letters, and I'll be able to replace most of my things. Like Aunt Mel said earlier we will be able to form this house like my mother had it, before he changed everything after she died. 

"*sniff* Th-thank you N-Natsu." I pull back from the hug and wipe my nose with my sleeve. 

"Luce." He said my name full of worry. "Don't worry about it. When your sad you sometimes can't help but the cry right? Wendy cries all the time and sometimes it really isn't called for, but I'm always there for her, just like I'm going to always be there for you." 

I look at him wide eyed and he just gave me a grin. "Natsu..." I couldn't find anything to say, my heart kept beating so fast. 

"Lucy." My aunts voice call to me. I look over and saw her peeking in through the kitchen door. "You guys were just taking a while and I didn't want to disturb you guys, but I order some take out and it should be here soon. I hope you guys like Chinese food." She said while looking everywhere except where Natsu and I were at.

I blushed a little but I also let out a giggle. "Yeah, that's fine Aunt Mel. I love Chinese food. What about you Natsu?"

"As long as it's food. I'll eat anything. I'm starving." He exclaimed while rubbing his stomach. 

Aunt Mel and I both laugh at him. After that I was brought to the living room. Yukino, Wendy, and Natsu cleaned it up really well. I guess it really wasn't as bad as it was in my room but for some reason it look like it was a completely different room than it was before I left. 

"Well now that we have some time to kill before the food comes we can figure out a plan for tonight." Aunt Mel said. "The rooms upstairs seem to be un-touched." I perk up hearing her say that. "With how much dust that has collected in the rooms I don't even think Jude had step up there once since before he return home. Yukino and I can stay in your parent's room and we'll be able to bring you upstairs as well. You will have to stay in.......Michelle's room since the guest room is filled with.." she stop talking and just sadly look at me.

"Lucy can always stay at our house too!" Wendy said.

I smile her. "Thank you Wendy but I think that it'll be better if I stay here. I don't want to leave you guys here by yourself. I can stay in Michelle's room for the night. Don't worry about me Mel." 

"Well then it's decided." She smiled back and clap her hands together.

Our food came soon after that. Aunt Mel told Natsu and Wendy that she will have Yukino transfer to Fairy Tail high since it is close to help me out a little more. She also told them that it won't be a while until the trail to happen so we just have to wait and hope for the best, the thing she didn't tell them is her plan for me after my fathers trail. How she wants to take Yukino and I away from here. 

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