Chapter 19

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~No One's P.O.V~

Natsu being oblivious to Lucy as he is with most things never noticed how she change that night in Michelle's room. When Wendy called for Natsu to come down they said their goodbyes and he gave her doll back. That night Lucy didn't sleep. No she stayed awake staring at her doll. Thinking how this could have happened to her. Before she knew she fell asleep with words of her father repeating over and over "Poor Lucy."

Two alarms sound in the house. One of them went off within the few second of it sounding off while the other just kept blaring inside the room. Melody quickly put her robe on turn off her clack and hurried towards Michelle's room. She opened the door and walk in. Turning off the other clock. She look over to Lucy.

"Lucy, it's time to wake up." She said while sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Lucy didn't wake up to her call. Melody shook her a little bit and she began to open her eyes and yawn.

*Yawn* "Good morning," She spoke.

"Good morning dear. You don't look like you got a lot of sleep. Are you sure you want to go to school today? I can keep you and Yukino here if you want to."

Lucy shook her head. "No. The principle would want to meet Yuki today so we both should go and greet him."

She smiled and help me sit up. "Your friends said that they will be here to in a little bit. I can bring your chair up and help you get ready."

"I would like that thank you."

Melody quickly and left the room after. Lucy was by herself just staring at the door and then turned her attention to the window before falling backwards covering her eyes with her hands. "What am I going to do? How am I going to face him today?" She mumbled.

~1 Hour Later~

Lucy finally being ready and after trying to help wake up the sleeping Yukino was now just waiting for Erza, Wendy and Natsu to come pick her and Yukino up and also to help Lucy down the stairs. But while the time got closer for them to show up the more and more nervous Lucy got. So to pass the time she just stayed in Michelle's room. She wanted to write to her mom so she ask Melody if she had a pen and a notebook. But sadly she didn't have one and at the moment there wasn't any in the house either since Jude decide to take all the books and rip out the pages.

"I'll go to the store and buy you some while I'm getting Yuki some more school supplies and groceries. Okay?"

"Can you also buy some envelopes as well?"

"Of course."

"Thank you Aunt Mel."

A car door slammed one after another outside. "That must be your friends. I'll go greet them."

Melody left the room. Lucy was able to hear her open the door and greet them. She heard someone come up the stairs and her heart began to beat fast. She grip the armrests of her chair waiting for him to walk through the door. The footsteps were getting louder as her heart beat faster. She watch as a shoe became visible and held her breathe. Then she met the eyes of Erza when she unknowingly let out a sigh.

"Good morning Lucy." Erza greeted her.

"Good morning Erza."

Soon after Erza came in Wendy came in to help move Lucy and her chair down the stairs. When she was safely and comfortable back in her chair they all headed in the Kitchen. To Lucy's surprise she was able to smell eggs and bacon. Then to find Virgo standing in front of the oven.

"Virgo? How, I was going to call you later." Lucy said.

"Good morning Princess. I got a call from Loke last night to catch me up. So I came early and I brought breakfast."

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