Chapter 10

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"Lucy, he's comming home?"

        My eyes widen at what Loke told me.

"Wha-what do yo-you mean? Ho-How did h-he-"

"Lucy you know how he can do what ever he wants don't act like it's new to you." Loke said back

"Oi, Lucy who is on the phone?" Natsu yells from the kitchen

"I-it's Loke."

"Lucy, tomorrow I'll be arriving back home with him. The police will be there before we get there so they can hook up the ankle braclet for his house arrest. 

        I tightened my grip on the phone; while my bangs covered my eyes. I was trying to process everything Loke just told me. 

"Lucy, I need to speak with Natsu."


"Na-Natsu; Loke needs to speek with you." I yelled toward the kitchen.

        He walks to where I am; he gave me a quisical look before taking the phone from me. 

"Hello?" he said.

        All I heard was Loke mumbling when he was talking to Natsu.

"What? Why do we have to leave before then?" Natsu ask's.

"I'm not being stuborn. I just don't feel tight about leaving so early in the morn-" Natsu was cut off.

*Sigh* "Okay, I understand. We'll leave early tomorrow then." Natsu sais sadly while looking towards me.

        He gave me back to phone and went back into the kitchen.

"What did you say for Natsu to agree to leave?"

"I didn't give hima reason all I said that it would be better for you if heandWendy just left before 9 in the morning." He replied to me.


"I have to go now Lucy; but tomorrow can you be ready by the time we get there. He is going to tell you how the ankle braclet works."

"Ar-aren't you going to be here for that?"

"Lucy.........I-I can't be around him. I don't want Aries in the same room with him let alone a car ride. I can't stand him insulting her."

        My eyes started to get watery.

"I-I understand."

"Lucy, I wish I could take you away from him it's just it to hard."

"I know, Loke, it's okay. I'll be fine."

        He was quiet for a while not responding to me.

"Loke? Are you still there?"

"How can you say that Lucy? After all he has done to you. How are you able to say those words."

        I don't know; I just can.

"Loke, I need to go to bed."

"Lucy, don't-"

"Goodnight Loke; oh and I saw Yukino."

        I hung up the phone before he could reply to me. I wheeled myself to my bedrooma dn locked the door before I could confront Wendy or Natsu. The tears that I kept in from talking on the phone just all came out. I couldn't move I just stayed where I was and let the tears fall down my face while my hands were in fists on my legs. 

*knock, knock* 

"Lucy-san are you alright?"

*Deep breath* "Ye-yes Wendy I-I'm fi-fine just tired. I'm gonna go t-to bed early tonight." I said trying sound normal.

"Would like help getting into bed; I can go get Natsu for you."

"N-No Wendy; I can hadle it don't worry."

"........O-okay. Goodnight Lucy-san."

"Go-goodnight Wendy."

        I hear her foot steps going away from my bedroom door; instead of going to bed I went to make desk and looked at the letter I written my mother earlier today. I put the brakes on my wheelchair and leaned over so that my head was resting on both of my arms and started crying again. I cried so much that I past out.

 ~Natsu's P.O.V~

        I was getting my and Wendy's things together so we are able to leave early. The thing is though I don't want to leave. I want to stay here; I want to stay by her and watch her. (A/n:Not is a stocker or perverted way.)  I told Wendy how today was our last day being with Lucy. She started to cry and saying that she doesn't want to leave. She stopped crying when I told her that we'll visit when ever we can and that we'll she her when school starts. 

        I have also told Erza that Loke said that my debt is paid and that we are to go home tomorrow. She is going to help us take our things back home. 

        Wendy walks toward me with a sad looke on her face.

"Wendy? What's wrong?"

"Lucy, she.....she seem's different. When I tried to see if she was alright; she sounded wierd and she also locked her door."

        I looked at her with a confused face on. What's wrong with Luce?

"I'll go check on her Wendy. You should go to bed early."

        She nodded her head in reply and left to go lay down. I walked towards  Luce's door and knocked.

*Knock, Knock* "Oi, Luce?"


        I put my hand on the doorhandle and Wendy was right it was locked. So I did the next thing I could. I went outside to the window that leads to Luce's room. As I thought her window was unlocked. I jumped through and seen her sleeping at her desk."

"You're going to hurt you back or catch a cold if you sleep like that." I whispered to myself. 

        I went over to her and picked her up gently so I wouldn't wake her up. I set her on her bed and carfuly removed her cover from under her and put them on top of her. Her hair was in her face; I sat on the edge of her bed and leaned over towards her; I pushed her hair behind her ear and stared at her sleeping face. I could see some tear streaks on her face. 

*Sigh* "Luce what's wrong? What has happened that has gotten you so sad?" 

        I moved my hand away from her and started to get up. I was stop once I felt her hand grab my wrist. I turned toward her to see if she was awake. Sadly she wasn't; her lips started moving. She was starting to talk in her sleep."

"Don't....le-lea-leave." was said from her mouth.

        I smiled at her; I guess it wouldn't hurt to stay for a little. Luce still had her hand on my wrist while I layed next to her. Before I even knew it I fell asleep next her.


A/n: Hi, everyone. How have you guys been? I'm sorry that this chapter is short. Leave a comment on what you thought about this chapter. :) I probably wont update durring the week more on the weekends from now on because school starts this Tuesday the 19th.  But I'll work hard to update as much as I can. I may edit this chapter a little later on tomorrow................. maybe depends on how much stuff I have to clean. :D

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