Chapter 5

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"So, Luce? Are you ready to meet everyone on our baseball team?"  asked Natsu


"Ya, well it's easier to say Luce then Lucy; but if you don't want me to call you that then it ok."

"No, Luce is fine. It just sounds wierd to me."

"Ah, well do you want to go in the dugout and meet everyone?"

"Oh no; I don't want to be bother so just put me under the shade of that tree and I'll be fine."

"Ano.....Lucy-san are you sure your not going to get hot? I mean if, if you want to I can stay with you." 

"No, Wendy aren't you a part of the team? You should be in the dugout with everyone else."

"'m not actually apart of the team yet because I'm not in highschool so until then I get the balls and water for the team."

"Oh, well I'm sure that you want to watch the practice up close so why don't you just hand you with the others in the dugout."


        With that said Natsu, Wendy and Erza left me alone in the shade. Natsu and Wendy turned theirs heads back toward me and gave me worried faces but I just smiled back at them to show them that I'll be fine. 

~1 Hour Later~

        It's so hot out today, and I forgot to bring a water bottle and a book to read so I'm just sitting under this tree staring at the ground. It was another few minutes until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and seen a teenage light blue haired girl infront of me; holding a water bottle.

"Hello, are you the girl Natsu and Wendy are suppose to be taking care of?"

I nodded my head yes to her.

"Well it's nice to meet you my name is Levy. What's yours?


"Oh, well Lucy are you thirsty? If you want I can help you get in the dugout. I know the temperature wont change but theres more shade in there than out here." She said while handing me the water bottle.

"Ummm, I dont want to be a bo-"

"Oh no, there no worry. Besides everyone is waiting to meet the person who saved Wendy." Levy said with a bid smile

        After that she grabbed my wheelchair and pushed me in the dugout. She was right about it being more shaded and I was able to see with outbeing blinded by the sunlight. Levy put me next to where Wendy was sitting and then she sat down right next to her. There weren't alot of people in the dugout but another little boy who is around Wendy's age I think. I looked out to the baseball field and I could clearly pick out Erza on the pitchers mound talking to the guy named Gray I think. 

"Oi! Luce!"

        I looked for Natsu and seen someone waving to me in the field. I shyly waved back to him, but he started running over. Erza seen what he was doing and looked over at me and smile. She also started to come towards me. Everyone out in the field started following in after her. Next thing I know is that I'm being crowed by all of the baseball team. 

"Minna, as you all know Natsu and Wendy have been taken care of this girl to pay off Natsu's debt of breaking the window; but we all know her as the girl who saved Wendy from getting hit by a car."

        For some reason everyone cheered for me. It kinda scared me being around noisy people instead of my quiet empty house. 

"So what's your name?" said a man with black hair and piercings on his nose.

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