Chapter 7

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~Lucy's P.O.V~

"M-my father i-is in pri-prison because he was th-the one who hit me with the car; he wa-was the one who almost hit Wendy."

        Tears started falling after I said this statement. Wendy's eyes widen and everyone else was speachless. If felt like hours of us just sitting there; but it only felt like that because I was crying and no one had said anything. My bangs were covering my eyes after I looked at Wendy; so I didn't know what the reaction of Natsu's, Gray's, or Erza's were. All of a sudden someone grabbed my waist and was hugging me; few secound later I felt another pair of arms wrap around me. I looked up a bit to see who it was and it's Erza and Wendy. Natsu just sat next to me and held my hand While Gray walked up to me and rubbed my head. 

"It's okay Lucy-san, you don't need to cry because were here for you. I'm sure that I speak for all of us by telling you thank you for telling us this. We all were worried about you." Wendy said while her head was in my stomache. 

"Arigato Wendy; minna; but I h-have one more thing to say. "

        I turned to the pink (salmon) haired boy who was still holding my hand tightly in his. I smiled at him.

"Natsu I want to apologize to you, f - for this mornings incident with you going up the secound floor. It's just that floor holds so memories of my mother and Michelle. Michelle's room is up there and no one hasn't gone in her room ;so it's just probably covered in layers of dust."

Tears started falling down my face again. 

"Luce; it doesn't matter-

"No, it was rude and I had no right to yell at you Natsu. The only reason why I got so angry was because there is a room up there and in that room holds everything of my mothers. Her clothes, make up products, her jewlery, and every single photo we had taken together as a family. Wh-when m-my father left Loke brought down the picture of my mother and had put in in the family room to see if it would help me; but really I havent left my bedroom since the day that all of you came to my room so I haven't got to look at what picture he brought down."

        After I apologized to Natsu; he came closer to me and hugged me. This hug was only for a few secound and then Natsu got up and left my bedroom. Evryone icluding myself had confused expression on why he had left so suddenly. He quickly returned to my room but he brought back a small picture frame in his hands. He handed me the photo. I looked at it and smiled; of corse Loki choose this photo. It was a year before Michelle was born. (A/N: I know that you can see the doll's head in this picture that I put up but just act like she isn't there.) When it was just Dad, mom, and me; I looked back at Natsu and smiled at him. 

"Thank you Natsu."

        Natsu gave me his toothy grin while the others nodded their head in approval. I stared at the photo that was in my hands. So many memories came into my head at the time. After a few hours of staying in my room and talking Gray went home. Natsu left my room because he was hungry so he is making dinner. Erza and Wendy stayed in my room and we talk about my sister and a little about Erza and Wendy. Appently I'm not the only one with a hard childhood. Erza's parents have died. They were killed while trying to save her from a kidnapping; While Wendy she was telling me how her  and Natsu's parents just suddenly disappeared and that they were stay with Wendy's aunt. 


"Okay we'll be there in a few." Erza replied

        After that Erza came up to me and picked me up. Every time she does this I'm still very surprised that Erza is this strong. She put me down in my chair and Wendy wheeled me out of my room. 

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