Chapter 14

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~Lucy's P.O.V~

        When Natsu pulled me out from the car I didn’t know what to expect. I guess I was scared of the looks that I would receive. I don’t know anything about this school so I don’t know how people will judge each other. Natsu gently put me down in my chair as people walked by us. Some looked over at us but the rest ignored what we were doing. *Slam* I jumped as Natsu shut the car door.

“Are you ready Luce?”

Am I ready for this?

        I quietly nodded my head even though I still wasn’t sure if I wanted to go in yet. As Natsu pushed me towards the school with Erza and Wendy following. I began to freak out on the inside and clutched my hand into a fist to try to calm down. Wendy ran ahead to open the door for me, Natsu, and Erza. The first thought that came into my head was that this school was huge.

        The main office was right next to the entrance of the school. There were another set of door that leads you into a hallway instead of going through the office. Erza opened the doors for me, Natsu and Wendy until a short little man that came over to my house came up to us.

“Natsu, my boy may you please bring Lucy to my office?”

        I was shocked and I was guessing Natsu was too.

“But Gramps class is going to start soon and Luce will need help getting to her first period.”

“I need to talk with Lucy for a while Natsu after I will show her where her class is.”


“No buts Natsu. Please take Lucy to my office and head to class.”

        I turned away from Mr. Makarov and look at Natsu.

“It’s ok Natsu. Don’t worry.” I said while I put my hand over his hand.

        He was hesitant before he started pushing me toward Makarov’s office. Erza and Wendy told us that they see us later and headed to class. Mr. Makarov walked slowly behind us before stopping and talking with the green haired lady at the front desk.

        We slowly made it to Makarov’s office; the door was open so we had no trouble getting in. Natsu stopped pushing my chair and walked over to the chairs in front of the desk. He push away on of them toward the wall next to the door and then push me into the space where the chair was. So I was in front of the desk facing an empty big chair.

“Natsu it’s time for you to start going to class.”

        I turned my head to see Mr. Makarov standing in the door way looking at Natsu.

“Why can’t I stay here?” he whined

“Because I need to have a talk with Lucy and only Lucy. Please don’t make me put you into detention for not listening to orders Natsu.”

“Yes, Gramps.” Natsu said sadly as he was walking away from me and past Mr. Makarov.

        Mr. Makarov shut the door before he entered the room. He quietly walked past me and went to his chair that was way too big for him.

“Lucy, I heard you’re father came home.” He said while looking at a piece of paper.”


“You also noticed that you didn’t show up on the first day of school yesterday.”

“I-I wasn’t able to come.”

“Why not?”

“Be-be-because……….” I bend my head down a little so that he wouldn’t be able to see the tears forming in my eyes.

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