Chapter 12

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~Lucy's P.O.V~  (Dont Start The Music Until I Tell You Too!)

        I woke up to the sound of splintering wood. I fell alseep in my chair last night so I was a little out of it. When I realised what was happening my father already broke through my door. He was breathly heavaly and he had a beer bottle in his hand. I was shaking afraid on what he was going to do now that we are in the same room.

"Luuucy, you can't hi-ide *hic* from me no-ow *hic*."

        He took a step away from my door and one step closer to my bed. I was on the other side of my bed near my desk. He took another step closer to my bed and looked over to my side table that held my medication and a photo frame. He posture slackened a little bit as he looked at the photo frame. It looked like he was seeing his old life in a few secounds remembering the good times. 

        His hands clentch into a fists and his brow was furrowed. He glared at me, I have never been this scared of him in my entire life and my father can be scary.

"It was your fault." He whisppered.

"You should have stayed home like Ii told you to. You should have stayed home." He took a few more steps toward me while I was frozen in place.



        He was right infront of me, I havent got a good look at him since he first came home. His hair has gotten long to where it covered his forehead and it seems like he hasn't shaven his face.  He grabbed my hair and put his hand on my shoulder. 

"She could be have been standing by myside; if you weren't here."  He said to me.

        Tears started falling from my face; his hand moved under my arm. He tugged on my hair and on my arm and threw me over my bed. I bounced on my bed and crashed into my side table. I stayed still on the ground. My fathers stomps next to me and kicks me in my side before he leaves my room. 

        I let the tears fall from my eyes and just stayed where I fell. I moved my arm so that I could get better cousion for my head. As I did that I heard scraping noises on the wooden floor. I lifted my head and seen that my bottle of pills was open and half of my medication fell out of it. I must have not put the cap on the bottle correctly since they fell out. 

        I stared at the white tiny capsules that were on the floor infront of me, thinking of nothing else.

~Natsu's P.O.V~

        Today was the day I get to see Lucy again. It was also the first day of school. I woke up and got ready in a red T-shirt and some black short with a red stripe going down the side of my shorts. I met with Wendy down stairs and we got our backpacks and headed out for school.

        Wendy left to go find her class while I went to my first period. When I entered the door I seen everyone was here. I got excided thinking that maybe Lucy was going to also be in our class but that was short term when the bell rang and I didn't see her come into the classroom. 

        It was like a normal first day of school. The teacher was doing roll and noone was looking at her until she said their name.

"Lucy Heartfillia?" she called out.

        I looked up ahead at the teacher who was looking around the class. I then glance at Levy, Gray, and Erza who also had confused faces on. 

~Lunch Time~

        There was still no sign of Lucy ever comming to class today. She has missed two periods and that doesn't seem like her at all. My thoughts got interupted when the loud speaker turned on

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