Yannied's Hobby

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Chapter 2:Yannied's Hobby

P.S. Now it's from Yannied's point of view.

Since no dragon wanted to befriend me,I took up an interesting activity besides reading up on piles of books all about dragons:mountain climbing.I taught myself to climb like a monkey.I always thought that if others used dragons to fly to high places,I could do the same with climbing.

I could soon climb steep cliffs with absolutely no difficulty at all.I could literally scale a twenty-foot-high cliff in two minutes!

I enjoyed climbing the cliffs to sit on the ledges,swing my feet to and fro and just watch the bustle of Berk.I would watch Vikings gossip,watch Viking children play hopscotch and see Vikings have fun flying their dragons.Even the children had baby dragons given to them to take care of and train.

"I'll have my own dragon someday,"I always said to myself.I was not one to moan and groan about things I didn't have that other people had.Despite my good manners,nobody wanted to have anything to do with me.I had been told by my parents to pay no attention to those who were rude to me.Indeed,there were many a Viking who walked away from me when I opened my mouth to talk to them.I was annoyed and upset,but I refused to show it.

One day,my parents took me fishing.We rowed off in a little fishing boat of our own.My parents didn't ride their dragons,because they turned hostile when I tried to get on their backs.We rowed far away from Berk,but kept the land in sight.We stopped near a huge rocky structure.I,who was bored to tears with fishing,brightened up.

"Father,may I climb this rock structure?I promise to be safe,"I begged my father."Yes,but don't hurt yourself.We'll be here fishing,"he said.I grinned in delight.I jumped out of the boat and dived into the sea.The water was icy cold,but my excitement made me ignore it.I swam to the structure quickly and grabbed some protruding rocks on the structure.I hauled myself up onto the structure and began climbing it.

The structure proved itself difficult to climb.It was extremely uneven,steep and made me stumble many times.However,I made it to the top eventually.I looked around when I reached the top.There were a few bushes here and there,but nothing else.I wandered about,staring at every bush because there was nothing else to see.Then,I looked up at the sky and laid down just to see the clouds roll past.After a while,my eyelids grew heavier and heavier.Then,I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"YANNIED!"I sat up,startled by the shout of my name.I looked around and rubbed my eyes sleepily."Yannied! Come down from there!We have to go!"I heard my father shout from below.

"Coming,Father!"I shouted back.I took one last look around the structure and decided to come back the next day.With that,I hopped off the edge and dived into the sea.Again,I swam back to the boat.My father was cross at me for being late,and my mother stared at me disapprovingly.

"Yannied,I do so wish you wouldn't dive into the sea like that!You'll catch a cold if you keep on swimming in nasty cold water,"my mother scolded.I bit my lip and smiled sheepishly.We rowed back to Berk.I noticed that the basket used for storing fish was empty.No wonder my father was annoyed.He hadn't caught any fish at all.

That night,when I got into bed,I made up my mind to swim to the structure,instead of taking my father's fishing boat.What fun I would have,and how I would enjoy the swim!

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