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Chapter 25:Mayhem

We flew towards Berk with our hearts pounding,not knowing what we would see.We neared our island and looked around for any wild,angry dragons.Suddenly,the roar sounded again and a nearby lamp-post fell over,crashing to the ground."WILD DRAGON!"someone shouted,running off into Gobber's blacksmith shop."Where?"Snotlout asked nobody.His question was answered when a dragon came flying out of nowhere and roaring.I was almost knocked off Castaway by the roar.I remembered all my dragon knowledge.Only one dragon I knew could bowl anything in range of its roar."THUNDERDRUM!"Hiccup,Fishlegs and I yelled out at the same time.Right on cue,it roared again and flew straight at Nevaeh.She just managed to dodge it."Quick,head it off!"Hiccup commanded urgently.We obeyed and dispersed to chase after it.The Thunderdrum flew everywhere,roaring occasionally and destroying at least a dozen things each time,be it a house or a wagon or a lamp-post."Astrid,Nevaeh,Oliver,fly overhead and track the Thunderdrum from above.If it flies up,you guys try to make it go back down.Zack,Snotlout,Yannied,you go below.Fishlegs,Ruff,Tuff,go get some nets.I'll try to drive the Thunderdrum down to capture it,tame it and release it on Dragon's Island,"Hiccup instructed.I pushed down on my saddle.Castaway flew downwards.Zack,Snotlout and I lined up in a straight line right below the Thunderdrum.It kept flying forwards,neither diving nor soaring.It was extremely annoying for Hiccup as he wanted to throw a net over the Thunderdrum but it was always a little bit too far away.

We chased it all around Berk.It kept destroying things with its thunderous roar,and caused absolute mayhem all round the village.Suddenly,while we were high above in the sky,it took a sharp dive and went spiraling down.It almost collided with Zack,who veered to the right and gave it a harsh tap on the back with Deathroar's tail.Snotlout made Hookfang flame up and chased it.I dived down too."Come on,Castaway!We gotta catch up!"I urged Castaway.Without warning,Castaway suddenly turned his head and grabbed my collar,curled up into a ball,folded his wings over me and began falling.I screamed and screamed and screamed until I was certain my lungs had burst."CASTAWAY!WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"My only reply was a reassured grunt from Castaway.After a few seconds,he spread his wings again to break his fall and he tossed me onto his back.I clutched at his neck in fear."What...just...happened?!"I questioned myself.Castaway suddenly shot a blast of blue fire.I regained half my senses and looked up.The Thunderdrum was right in front of us."Yannied!THROW THE NET!"someone shouted.A neat bundle of a net suddenly dropped down from the sky.With shaking hands,I unfolded it and spread out the net.I could even touch the Thunderdrum if I stretched my fingers way out.Plucking up my lost courage,I got into a standing position on my saddle,net in hand,and aimed carefully.I hurled the net straight at the Thunderdrum.The net wrapped itself neatly round the Thunderdrum and its wings,stopping it in mid-flight."Someone get it!"I yelled,settling back into my saddle carefully.A sudden flash of black zipped past me in less than a second,followed by a vertical flash of red.I peered down to see Oliver and Hiccup diving to get the Thunderdrum.It was falling fast.Then,I realised I could dive and get it.I made up a new command for Castaway."Castaway,roll!"I ordered.Castaway again tucked me into the small space of his belly and folded his wings over me before falling down.I could feel my stomach churn as we turned over and over in the sky.I could hear Hiccup's voice at one point,saying,"How in the name of Thor is Castaway so fast?"I grinned despite the discomfort.

In the next moment,Castaway unfolded his wings and extended his legs to reach for the Thunderdrum.He revealed his claws and hooked the net,successfully catching the Thunderdrum..I scrambled onto his back and seated myself on the saddle.Hiccup came with the flash of red,Oliver and Fireproof."Little help?My dragon isn't all that muscular,"I remarked.Immediately,Fireproof helped with the load while Toothless and Hiccup supported the underneath.We brought the Thunderdrum to earth and looked at it properly.The other riders came raining down from the sky.We all stared at it."Oh gods,"Astrid gasped,her hand flying to her mouth."What?"Hiccup asked.Astrid pointed to the Thunderdrum in disbelief."It's Shiverwind!Look at the Thunderdrum's body colors!Have you ever seen a white-and-light-blue Thunderdrum before?It's Shiverwind,back from dragon Valhalla!"she explained.Sure enough,the Thunderdrum was snow-white with light-blue markings,the color of ice.It was a phenomenon to see a pure white Thunderdrum.Hiccup bent down and reached out his palm.The Thunderdrum growled and snapped at first,but after a few seconds,it let Hiccup rest his palm on it."Alright,drag off the net.He's alright now,"Hiccup declared.I slowly tugged off the net.The Thunderdrum stepped out of the net slowly.It then turned to Hiccup and bowed,showing that Hiccup could ride him."Not now,big guy.Maybe later,but not right now,"he stroked the Thunderdrum's head with a smile."We should name him instead of calling him 'him' all the time,"Snotlout suggested,before adding,"and since I came up with the idea,I get to name him.I hereby christen him...Snotdrum!"he announced.Everyone stared at him with a 'are-you-serious' face.

A sudden whoosh of dragon wings interrupted our discussion.We turned to see the Hemmings sisters.Jessica looked much better now.Color was returning to her face."Hey,we heard the dragon roar all the way from Glacier Island.We came to see what happened,"Cassie explained,glancing at the Thunderdrum."It's just a wild Thunderdrum on the run.Nothing big,"Hiccup shrugged.Jessica stared at the Thunderdrum."He looks just like Shiverwind...,"she slid off Frotbite and approached the Thunderdrum.It growled,but not as fiercely as before.Suddenly,it just bowed even though Jessica hadn't touched it to gain its trust.Everyone stood and stared with astonishment."I bet he caused a whole lot of mayhem today,"Jessica commented,looking round the village."That's it!Call him Mayhem!Suits him!"Nevaeh clapped her hands together in excitement.Jessica agreed."Alright,Mayhem,let's repair the damage you did,"she muttered,mounting Mayhem.Hiccup widened his eyes in amazement."Hey,he can replace Shiver-,""Sh!Zack!"Astrid hissed,jabbing Zack to stop him from finishing his sentence.He pursed up his mouth and frowned at Astrid.Jessica took off,with the rest of us following.We helped to clear up the mess,but Jessica and Mayhem worked the hardest.They fixed all the lamp-posts,chased the chickens Mayhem had released back into their coops,herded runaway sheep and gathered all the broken pieces of wood from the destroyed houses.

After a few hours,we cleared up the mess and sorted everything out.Most of the people in the village forgave Mayhem since he had made an effort to help fix what he broke.The rest just stared disapprovingly at Mayhem before going back into their half-repaired houses."We have to repair the houses,"Hiccup decided."Fetch wood from the Great Hall,"Jessica cut in,"I'll fix it by myself with the wood,"she added before flying off to start fixing one house."Jess,there's more than fifty houses destroyed.It'll take you at least a month if you fix houses non-stop,"Cassie protested."We'll all help,"Oliver finally declared,taking a hammer from his bag.We all nodded in agreement.Just as I was about to take off to fetch wood,Hiccup stopped me."About the thing Castaway did while diving...I wanna check it out tomorrow.Report at the Academy at nine sharp in the morning tomorrow,"he told me before flying off.I patted Castaway's head."Hiccup finally wants to see what you did!"I whispered excitedly.Castaway grunted before flying to the Great Hall to get a pile of wood.

Soon,we were all working hard at repairing the houses.Some were really badly damaged,with a roof missing or maybe half the house fallen in on itself.Others were either completely gone or just had the door smashed to splinters nearby.The people watched as we mended the houses.We worked for hours on end.Even when the night rolled around,Jessica refused to stop working.Mayhem just stuck by Jessica's side,fetching her wood continuously.He seemed to understand that he was the cause of all this and he wanted to help fix everything.At around eleven in the night,Hiccup decided,"It's getting too late to work now.Jessica,let's continue tomorrow,""No.I'm going to patch everything up.Mayhem is my dragon and I am responsible for whatever he did,"she insisted.Cassie stayed behind to help.The rest of us retired to bed.For the rest of the night,as I lay in bed trying to fall asleep,I heard the sound of hammering all through the night...

~Next morning~

I woke up to see Castaway nibbling at my blanket.I pushed him away gently and gave him two buckets of fish.He was still growing at a furious rate.Now,he was even longer than Toothless,but just a little.I checked my sundial at my window.It was only seven in the morning.I slid out of bed without breakfast and opened my door.I looked outside.My jaw dropped.

Every single house was fixed.

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