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I woke up with a pounding headache and a bruise I had to cover.After my morning routine I got dressed an sat at the counter while my mom made pancakes.

"Hunny theres a new family moving into Jacksons old house I made them cookies run it down on your way to school."

Seriously ma come on I have shit to do.

"Watch your mouth max !"

My names Nala okay max died when dad did I grabbed the box of cookies and my car keys this was gonna be a long day.

I felt bad for throwing my dad into it since he passed away a year ago, we haven't really got along its always arguments.Who ever they were I know the movers were getting super paid they had mad shit.

"Hi can I help you ?" A medium height woman with pretty hair caught my attention.

Uh yeah my mom down in the blue house wanted me to drop these welcome cookies off. I looked at the little girl helping the movers with her doll house.

"Aww that's sweet what's your moms name I'll walk down once I'm settled in."

Danielle Hartwell and I'm Nala but I gotta go can't be late for class!

"Wait um I don't wanna be a bother but my daughter is going to the same school, I assume could she maybe ride with you her car hasn't got here yet."

Sure why not... I shrugged my shoulders.

"Tia come on there's a girl that you can ride with! " Her mother yelled into the house.

A tall girl came out with long curly hair thicker than mine she shaved the sides off which made it cute. So many tattoos Malaya would freak out and be fake in love.

"Wassup I'm Tiana but call me Tia "

She held her hand out I guess for a handshake but who does those still .

"Anyways thanks for letting me ride my mustang won't be here till tomorrow."

No problem I probably would be the one to give you the tour anyway I'm Nala I live down there come on.

She was cute as hell an was more into her phone than getting to know me .

"Nice school so what its all rich black kids ?" Tiana asked with half focus on me an the rest on her friends

No its a normal highschool but I should warn you we do have some crazy ass people here.

Her facial expression showed she wasn't feeling it already.

Okay so I'll walk you to the office here is my number in case you end up with my lunch I've gotta go though.
Something about her was just ughhhh
I walked down to my locker I need my books an Gigi's notes.

"Bitchhhhhh who was that?"

What ? Gigi looked at me like I was hiding something

"The Stud girl you just walked in here with I saw y'all "

Woah chill out okay she just moved into jacks crib you know how mom likes to feel like she was first to say hi.
I leaned up against my locker waiting for Ron who was taking fucking ever just to walk down here.

"If your waiting on captain no good he's occupied"

She walked off pointing to the science lab

I rushed over to look in the window , I swear you would think this nigga would realize no other girl is going to deal with his shit like I do

"That's your boyfriend?"

Huh what oh its you um yeah that's Ron my boyfriend.Wassup ?

"Oh shit um the blonde at the front desk said to find you because I have first an last period with you but the rest you gotta show me how to get to "

Her voice had my legs feeling numb I looked over her schedule then back into the room where Ron was still all in Brianas face.

"Alright class we have a new student Tiana please stand up introduce your self please " Mrs.Brown pointed for tiana to stand.

"Hey wassup I'm Tiana but call me Tia I'm from Jersey and I like waffles!"

The class busted out laughing as she sat down even Mrs.Brown was laughing she definitely was a charmer.
I had absolutely no appetite during lunch so I just sat outside on the bleachers with everyone

"You looking at her like you never been around a dyke before baby I'm all the man you need remember that"

I looked away from Ron waiting for him to get a grip I was done with his shit for the day .

"Hey there's the new girl tell her come sit with us lala !" Hayden instant crush ass nudged me

Mannn, Hey Tiana come chill over here you don't have to sit alone !

"Shit thanks these girls were hounding me to sit with them I had to make up an excuse "Tiana locked eyes with me then looked around at everyone.

It didn't take long for Hayden to start sweating her I mean what ever Hayden was pretty I guess.

After school she stayed till I finished practice the car ride home was silent she was texting Hayden of course.

Well goodnight I hope your first day was great !

What ugh nala shut up that was dorky

"Uh yeah it was straight I'll see you tomorrow aight "

I could barely sleep before I knew it seven am was here an so was an extra voice in my house.

"Knock knock yo moms said for me to wake yo ass up "

She just stood there staring then grinned an covered her eyes fake peeking I looked down an forgot I was sleeping with a tank top no bra an boyshorts.

Ugh get outtttt !!!!

"What's that ?" She tilted her head to the side in confusion.

What perv ?


What is what !

"That right there on your arm?"

I hit the ground really hard its nothing why are you here though I would of picked you up.

"Nah my stang is out front I figured you wanted to pull up in something nice "

She kept looking at the bruise on my arm then looked me up an down

"I'll be down stairs okay"

Yeah I'll be down

Looking through all my clothes I couldn't find what I needed so I just put on jeans and a baseball jersey with a tank under it

"So I'm not buying this whole falling shit wassup talk to me " She turned the car off

Look nothing is wrong okay I'm fine Tia pulled into a space an we sat silent.

Its Game night I'll ride home with the girls okay.

She shook her head then got out I watched her put her hair up.

I tried to catch up to her but Hayden was already under her an so were other girls.

"Baby wassup you've been weird since yesterday its got something to do with her ?"

No Ron its you !

I walked into the bathroom to apply my makeup

"Don't walk away from me Nala I don't want you near her outside of here alright !"

I looked away but he grabbed a hold of my face forcing me to have eye contact with him

After he walked out I just stood there I mean that's all I feel like I fucking do now is stand there an try an fix my life in my head.

My phone vibrated letting me know I had a text

Tia :
"That's who deserves you? are you serious you deserve better but fuck it what do I know right I only date females!!!!"

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