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Nala POV

I felt lips on my neck then I woke up realizing it was tiana I looked to make sure our door was closed .

"She ain't even here. "

Where did she go?

"Something about business meeting on the island."

Oh of course and don't be kissing my damn neck !

She leaned back down an pinned my arms down kissing me then licking my neck.

"Why you still fighting it yo ?"

She sat on the edge of the bed an looked at me confused the way her left eyebrow always raised when she was confused was sexy.

"Nala you was just fine last night you wasn't complaining about me an you fucking pillows don't completely muffle sounds if yo mama was here she would of heard you screaming my name so wassup. "

Nothing ugh just move.

I got up and walked out I needed to shower and tiana just wanted to talk and I wasn't ready to.

"I get it since were going back home tomorrow ,you wanna go back to us just being Nala an Tia friends are you fucking serious yo! I'm sorry my sexuality is such an inconvenience to a bisexual female that wants to run around being straight. "

I heard the door slam I bit the inside of my cheek knowing she was hurt but she doesnt get it my mom would never understand she would probably freakout.

I braided my hair walking out I hoped Tia was back in the room but she wasn't .

Me:Where are you ?

Tia:Minding my business I'll be back later have fun

I threw my phone I can't believe her right now like seriously she dead ass didn't give a shit about how I felt or what could happen.

After getting dressed I walked down to the pool area Christian was talking to some girls. His dad works with my moms company so me an him always hang out on these fake vacations.

"Wassup with the sad face where yo girl at?" He looked behind me to see if she was following me.

Not my girl and I don't know she dipped on me.

"The fuck why ?"

Because I won't tell my mom about me an her but she doesn't get it my mom doesnt have time to understand shit like that she just knows to be a mom and sign me up for girly shit that she hopes I will pass down to my daughters.

"Haha like being a delta yeah that ain't you sorry to break it to you but your more of a zeta which isn't bad."

Uh yeah no I can't change destiny this shit sucks .I just wanted to come here relax forget all the drama at home an enjoy it with her instead I'm here with you.

"You like her alot don't you."

I'm in love with her but that shit wouldn't fly with my mom she would kick my ass out before I even walked across the stage at graduation!

Shit you never know .

Danielle Hartwell will never accept her daughter liking girls can we just change the topic !

"What ever."

Thank you its our last night here let's enjoy it no talk about my mom me and Tia or anything just have fun.

It was around six when we got back me and Chris had went around the resort I walked in super confused there were two glasses and two silver tops over plates .

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