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Fixing my pillows behind me I leaned against my beds head board  looking for my tv remote. It took a week of non stop tests I messed up on a few color matchings during a test ,but was allowed to come home and focus in a more relaxed setting. It's like I know the name for it but when I go to say it, the words don't sound right so I focus on what could be right. I laid out the flash cards my therapist gave me, I've been back home for two months now and I still haven't got used to reality I still see everyone in my dreams.

"Hey you I didn't think you would be up, I was just stopping by to check in on you." Tiana looked confused as her eyes came in contact with the flash cards.

Tia can I be honest with you? Like really honest I know I need to." Wassup is everything okay should I sit for this one?" She joked pulling up a chair.

No I'm struggling okay, I know alot of people don't wake up from these types of things. So I'm thankful  but some things I can't remember always like words and colors shit one minute I can remember then I can't. Shit is beginning to be a downer I just wanna get back to normal you know be myself again or try to be.

"Bae these things take time you can't rush it and I'll be here with you. Like I've been doing since the crash, seeing you there like that after everything went on hurt, but I stuck it out an believed in you that you would pull through no matter what." She looked angry as she looked away towards the window.

While I was asleep I imagined alot from graduation , becoming famous you were dating one awful girl after another awful girl and so was I .Ron took me an Talissa but you came for us. I only had a broken arm from the car crash, then months later Ron shot me while aiming for you. Before I could finish telling her everything she cut me off.

"Wait you said you and talissa were kidnapped was it in the desert?" She sat down on the bed staring me in the face.

Yeah it was actually why ?

"She was kidnapped an taken to a desert but I didn't rescue her the cops did. What's crazy is she was telling everyone you were there when she needed it the most, like you were helping her fight and stay awake. We thought you were really gone when she said you came to her when she was scared an time was running out . I'm not gonna lie hearing you were with her made me happy and in the same, breath broke my fucking heart because you were gone in mind."

So it really happened who took her, was she unharmed is she still here ?
I needed answers and Tiana was stalling as she pieced things together. With confusion on her face she looked around then stared at me a little.

"Yeah she's okay no they didn't touch her. Talissa wasn't eating what they would feed her so she was in and out which is why, the doctors said she imagined you as something that made her feel safe at a time she needed it the most."

They ?

"Yeah a man and his crazy ass wife , she had the nerve to tell my mom that talissa was her kid. The husband admitted to going along with it,  to please his wife they had lost their daughter years ago.

That's crazy all of this is crazy I wanna go to sleep Tia I just want my back rubbed and pancakes I could hear myself whine but I didnt care.

"Knock , knock  hey you two I heard a big baby mention pancakes, you can work on those cards later I'll bring your food up." My mother said before closing my room door back behind her.

I sighed thinking about nurse Jewel  everything I dreamed of was just that a dream. So how I felt about this woman wasn't right, especially since she's been here taking care of me. My mother came back in placing two plates of food infront of us, before walking out and closing the door leaving Tiana and I alone again. Glancing over seeing her glued to her phone, I shook my head focusing on my food clearing my head.

"Everyone is still in shock I always believed you weren't gone and could hear us you know?" Tiana looked up smiling from her phone showing me  all the supportive comments under a Instagram post of us together on a lgbt couples goal page.

Yeah it was crazy I mean literally alot went on from fights, threesomes, drama ofcourse. What's even crazier alot of the shit that went on it was like through everyone else's eyes. Behind closed doors I wasn't nala I was in everyone else shoes, which is why I guess I could never figure out what to eat . Walking in your shoes while hungry sucks your ass never hungry. 

"Hahaha shut the hell up man I'm not that bad but thats crazy, I always wondered if what you were dreaming about was better than reality.  I'm  happy you woke up honestly I'm afraid to wonder what if ." Tiana said as her voice cracked a little. 

Relax I'm okay now better yet we're okay this whole nightmare is over. I wanna leave it all in the past and just be happy Tia can we change the subject? I asked feeling slightly uncomfortable, I didn't want to keep remembering everything that never really happened.

"I'm sorry bae you right eat your food I know you wanna cut it up don't lie!" She laughed looking up at me before changing the movie on Netflix .

Baby I want a burrito for later can you order it pleaseee, I need one bad I feel like a drug addict I have to have one before it gets bad. Before I could continue my annoying demands she was on the phone placing the order.

Beans , cheese and extra chicken an salasa please! I could feel my mouth begin to water just thinking about it even though I had a warm ass stack of pancakes in my lap . I love food not even a coma could change that , leaning forward I kissed Tiana's soft lips gently biting her bottom lip. Slowly laying back up against the head board I missed her touch but I wasn't ready I wanted it to be special and pancakes an burritos weren't going to be on the menu.

"Just wait soon as yo lemon headass is fully healed I'm fucking yo ass up soft ass lips ." Tiana leaned in gripping my thigh kissing me slowly but sloppy then my neck shaking her head she stopped and went back to her food.

This was going to be hard not having sex, I was put on restrictions for atleast one more month an Tia was in here looking like zaddy of the year. Damn I need to learn how to have patience and control when she's here or else this no fucking, no over excitement is gonna go out the window.

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