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August 2018

Love songs are like brownies the best part is the middle of the song that makes you feel gooey inside. I sat on the counter in our kitchen stirring the brownie mixture in my lap. The miniature tower of pizza boxes sat across from me in a pile smelling amazing and tempting. All we need now is for everyone to hurry up and get here but as usual everyone was playing the better late than never game.

"Damn that ass getting fat bae I'll take my thank you Tia in the form of currency my cash app is always  accepting money." Tiana said against  my neck before biting into it gently  licking slowly up towards my ear,  nibbling on my ear.

Her left hand tilted my neck back while her right hand slowly crept into my bra teasing my nipples both getting their fair share of attention. A double knock on the door brought our attention back to reality. I smiled as she slapped my ass before walking out the kitchen to answer the door. "I just need some dick, I just need some love tired of fucking with these lame  nigga baby I just need a thug!" Malaya sang the lyrics to Summer Walker's Girls need love swaying her hips towards me laying her head against my breast smiling.

"For someone that doesn't believe in fucking her friends your ass always seems to find a way to cop a feel." I mushed her head back causing her to dramatically stumble into Tia.

"Bitches cut they hair off an act shady, I don't need your water balloon titties anyway I have my own." She juggled her breast in front of me with her tongue out . I rolled my eyes flicking my middle finger up at her, usually everyone would of been here by now. I checked  my phone to see if anyone had sent anything, JD and her girlfriend  were on their way finally she said they pick up a bottle. I looked up from my phone realizing I was alone in the kitchen but the house was silent.

Sliding off the counter I walked out the kitchen peeking into the living room and hallway , both of their cars were outside along with Brielle's car she held up a bag from Gucci with a bow on it. I smiled knowing that meant this was my bag and she probably had  one that was identical.
"Where is everyone I mean if you trying to have a you and me night out you know I'm always down. " She cheesed while looking around the empty living room. Shaking her head Brielle let out a sigh as the house grew silent light moans whispered through the walls.

"Bri you hear that? Wait are you fucking kidding me right now today!" I ran up the stairs busting into our room neither one was insight. Walking out the room I began to open every room door. Brielle stood in front of the last door option Tianas home office room."Yes right there,deeper that feels amazing don't  stop." Opening the door slowly tears started to build up in my eyes as they continued both eyes closed tiana pushed deeper into Malaya hearing the wet sound of her pussy filled me with anger yet turned me on at the same time I grabbed brielle's hand guiding her out the room. Since we're playing the fuck who we want game I took the opportunity to hear Brielle's moans and the music her pussy would sing for me.

Laying her down on the bed Tiana and I shared I gently slid my finger's up her sundress, sliding her adore lace down her thighs pulling her dress up I bit softly into her thick thighs kissing after each bite. She let out soft moans looking at me to see if I was sure. I nodded before kissing her pearl circling with  my tongue, I toyed with her juices that began to cover my face. Rubbing my thumb against  her clit back and forth sliding two finger into her,I grinned at how her body reacted to my touch arching forward. Brielle  grinded against my tongue and finger squeezing  her breast fiddling with her nipples."I'm about to cum, shit wait ahhh!" Picking up speed I watched as her grinding slowed down as her juices creamed down my fingers.

"Are yall serious?" Tiana stood in the middle of the doorway disbelief. Malaya hid in the hallway as her shadow peaked in. I rolled my eyes walking into the bathroom  to grab a rag for Brielle and wash my face and hands off.

"So you really wanna sit here an act like I ain't fucking talking to you answer me !"she demanded grabbing my left arm stopping me in my tracks. I looked down at her hand then back into her eyes.

"You just sat there fucking my bestfriend with a strap on are you dumb! Then you have the fucking audacity to question if I seriously brought Brielle in here and ate her pussy. Hell yeah and I enjoyed every fucking minute I can still taste her in my lips. As far we're concerned we're even  game over fuck this I'm  going out." I grabbed Brielle's hand along with my house keys and left.
Malaya reached out to touch me but turned her head in shame.

"So where do you wanna go ? Shower is mandatory so I won't mention it." Brielle spoke as she focused on the road tapping the steering wheel .

"Let's go to Navs I just need to shake my ass and dance to Cardi B !" I shouted turning up the volume as Bickenhead came on. Snapping my fingers to the beat of Bickenhead Tia's picture flashed across my screen, I sighed waiting forr her to hang so I could return to my Instagram live.

By the time we made it to Navs lounge it was packed people were  every where wall to wall. We sat in VIP with Brielle's brother  keyz and his friends. We watched as Malaya made her way through  the crowd to the bar alone . Part of me just wanted to violate this bitch so bad, then the other part of me wanted to let her enjoy her thot ass night.

"So you an Brielle wassup with that, I ain't  being nosey but shit word travels fast as fuck an you know it." Keyz said while placing his bottle next to my arm signaling me to take a sip. I shook my head because I still was trying to wrap my head around today myself.

I never saw myself fucking with anyone else but Tia, yet I just drank Brielle's pussy like her shit was cold gallon of water. The expensive water at that I tucked my hair behind my ears on both sides.

"You know how Bri can be man just don't  jump head first into this shit trying to mend a broken heart with pleasure. You only fulfilling an orgasm not heart break." Keyz gave me a side hug before turning back around to his boys.

I looked down at the sea of drunk people enjoying their night. Brielle was flirting with the jello shots girl trying to get a free tray. I made loose eye contact with Malaya, looking away I made eye contact with Bri  who was now standing near her at the bar before spilling her drink on her. 

Watching as malaya charged at Brielle and missed, we all watched as brielle began to direct each blow to her face. Granted a bitch can handle her own this thot needed to have her ass beat up.

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