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Kaci Bars in the media

The bell for third period was ringing but I saw Kayla tugging at something in her locker.

Aye you need help ?

"Nope I'm fine I can get it my self!"

Yo chill what ever beef you an Tia got I ain't in it don't come at me sideways Kay!

I walked off to my class she got me fucked up. I sat between Hayden an Tia .

Wasgud bro ?

"Not shit dreading last period "

Oh she came back to school ?

"Yeah i saw her with the principal and guidance counselor "

I looked around the room she ain't come to class

"Nah her an Kayla got a pass to go in the library so she could go make corrections on her paper "

Damn you all in huh ?

"Nope Malaya told me "

Good ole mgk with her fine ass

"She don't even like yo ass " she shook her head chuckling

Haha my ass just watch imma have Malaya little fine ass one day

"Doubt it you fucking with a circle that was made long ago "

I know hello remember Carson an me messed around I know about they little clique.

"Man I'm telling you don't do it shit will get real they just now becoming friends again"

Oh you mean when you left baby girl in the hospital an it brought them all closer, you still ain't tell me where yo ass went

"I don't wanna talk about it just drop it yo shit done with now"

Hayden pushed my head back to make eye contact with tiana

"If you ask me any drama that happens in y'all relationship is karma y'all had coming" she got up an moved her shit to where her friends were

Man ignore her she just mad because you dumped her weird ass she won't about shit any way

"Nah she right every thing that's happening is because I do every female the same way I fuck up but nala is different man "

She's always been different how you gonna fix this ?

"Give her space "

That's probably best an safe!

By the time last period got here I was out of energy sleep on my desk till some dumb ass popped my neck

"Wake up ugly"

Mannnn who the fuck oh don't touch my spot unless you ready

She rolled her eyes an walked to the back where her an Kay were sitting with Ashton fake ass

She grinned at me then looked at Kayla

Man fuck both they asses shit cool with me if she wanna fuck her life up

Mgk:Don't be looking at my friend like that fuck is wrong with you ?

Me:yo friend little pet needs to be put down !

I looked back as Malaya looked up at me then at Kay an ash who weren't even paying attention

Mgk:Chill yo you know damn well you ain't the jealous type!

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