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Nala Pov

After working out for almost  two hours my legs felt like jello, and my arms weren't happy either.Working out was the only way I could clear my head alone and away from everyone.
Yesterday was a mess and I didn't  hear Tianas side, I just grabbed my shit and left typical me. Once my shower was over I braided my wet curly hair, as I thought of the right words to say to her. I threw on a simple outfit sheer top with my boyfriend cut jeans.

Malaya: Hey wya Victoria Secrets has that sale and you know shopping helps!!!!! 

I looked at the message then slid my phone into my bag, throwing it on the passenger side. I couldn't get distracted this was my relationship  on the line. Parking the car in the hospital garage, a feeling of doubt  came over me along with other thoughts. I knocked on the door before walking into the room incase she had visitors.

"You came back after everything that went down." She sat up in her bed turning the tv off focusing her attention on me.

"I realized that I didnt ask or talk with you I just stormed out of here, thoughts were cloud by disbelief and disappointment. I just couldn't  understand  how you could want to marry me, yet have another woman in New York. Things like that only  happen in movies and we're not in one so it was alot to handle. I wanna be there when you get better  because  I love you and I've always loved you"

"Nala I don't wanna keep hurting you Kendall and me broke up. I swear but that doesn't mean shit now after that embarrassing shit show yesterday. "

"I love you an that's all that matters okay I don't care about her. There's  always something keeping us apart, and I'm tired of it. We always let some random bullshit control how we feel an it keeps us from being together. I don't wanna live like that anymore I wanna be happy and with you." I smiled as waited to hear what I needed to hear.

"Baby things are going to be back to normal soon I just want you to know I love you."

"I hear you Tiana focus on getting better and then we can worry about us. Look I'm going out with the girls tonight call me if you're coming to my house or your mom's. Kissing her good bye I headed for the elevator, searching for my car keys I sighed  wondering if she really deserved me. It's plenty of people who would love me and act right, I admit she tries even when shit hits the fan Tia tries.
Walking to my car I could hear a screeching sound then felt numbness.

"She's coding ! Get the doctor in here now! I'm gonna need all of you out of the room please let us do our jobs!"

"Nala baby I know you wanna wake up! You still have a whole school year  to look forward to!"

"Young lady I asked you to go will some one escort her to the waiting  room now!"

"Clear !" Buzz ..." Clear! "Buzz.. beep beep beep."Good job people she's back I'll notify the family."

"Why the heck do I keep ending up in a hospital for Christ sakes ?" I asked myself out loud.

"Because you never left you've been in this hospital for a year now in a Coma."  Daddy you made me wake up that time I got shot by Ron, what coma are you talking about? I felt my self ready to cry but couldn't.

"You never woke up from that car accident. Everything that's been happening since that day has been controlled by you mentally baby girl."

"No, there's no way you know how I know that there's no way? Because how would I know every one else's lives and personal  memories huh explain that!"

"Only you can explain that the shooting with Ron never happened Max! He didn't survive the crash impact, every thing you've played out in your mind has just been that . Only real thing you've actually seen is me,  you can hear their voices because  you let them in but only when you imagine trama."

"So jewel, lace ,Asha! They weren't real and Monica I know she's real!"

"Monica has been with your friends visiting when she can. Nurse Jewel and nurse Asha are just that your nurses. You created Lace she was never there just the female version of Ron."

"How can I wake up ? If I wanna wake up how can I ?" I stood there staring  at my father waiting for a response."That choice is yours ,you can go back to the life you've given yourself ,or you can wake up and make sure some of those things never happen."

"Why didn't you tell me I was in a coma before?  So the years that have passed those  were what?

"Months Max they were long for you being in that state. All you have to do now is want to wake up, an reality will set back in you'll  have to relearn somethings but that's okay in time it will come back."

"And when I do wake up an tell them everything and mention talking to you,they'll  probably  have me admitted to the ward right they still give cash? " I said sarcastically shaking my head.

"Be serious there's not much more your mother can take, she's prayed about pulling the plug." He put his hand on my shoulder.

"I have to wake up then dad I can't leave mom and Carson alone. Wait  till I tell her I saw her pregnant she's  gonna flip. I looked at my fathers face realizing he was teary eyed."

" I was holding you here wasn't I in this in between world . You've been trying to help me this whole time, I kept you from moving on." I thought about how selfish I was as unknowingly  an how selfless he was.

"Max you are my baby girl I stayed because that's what father's do. Even after death we stay to protect our children and families."

"What's gonna happen when I wake up out there? "

"You won't be able to talk but you can move your eye's giving them a sign and in time your fingers. "

"I love you dad I'm gonna miss you even more now." Turning around I hugged my father one last time.

This time the room was empty and the curtain was closed ,the flowers  in the room had been dying. Balloons that deflated were taped to the wall in front of me. Laying there I waited till some one, anyone came in.

"Look at god! Jewel your paient in room 320 is finally awake girl get in here!" A heavy set woman dropped her things to the floor, I assume to get the nurse. My mouth felt dry and nothing felt like my body atleast not the adult one I had been used to.

"Look at you pretty girl I'm jewel I'm your nurse. Let me check those vitals for you, blink twice if you understand me ."

I looked at the woman who looked nothing like my jewel , I did as she asked." Great job we're going to test small portions of your motor skills today an the rest later, blink twice if that's okay."

A tear rolled down my cheek as I felt lifeless and dependent, I blinked twice. Opening my eyes after the last blink I felt my self break down silently, as my mother and sister stood next to me hugging each other crying.

3days later

Gold fish ! You almost cheated nala key word almost. Tiana laughed while sitting in the center of my bed careful not to touch my left leg. My right leg was fine but my left leg had to have surgery yesterday. I had a note pad  for when I needed to speak. I haven't  quite remastered the thing I do so well. Talk! They said certain things most people have to learn all over again, talking isn't going to be one of my things . I have to relearn how to walk but that's fine, I'm okay with that.

"You okay ? I was asking if you wanted a round two ?"

I shook my head at her before I wrote what I had to say. "That was round two nice try! Yeah well  threes a charm ." She held her hands up in a what can I say motion.

" I always thought it was three's company. Y'all know that old show with the two girls an one guy ?" Malaya smiled as she walked into the room pulling a chair up to my bed side. The only things that seemed real from the dream, was that Kayla was back in my life, JD asked Malaya out three months ago an they were still together.

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