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So how long are yall gonna be in Miami ?
"Umm I don't know this is our us time JD she needs a break an I need a break "

From what like go ahead an say it yo what the fuck do you really need a break from ? Me, this house or our relationship!

"Don't you dare jalissa don't because I put my reputation on the line for us I put my dreams on fucking hold an you being who you are didn't give a shit you don't know what its like to be cut off ! Your father paid for this house not you not me I didn't ask my parents for shit were adults we do grown up things you know like you fucking my boss ! "

Yo I told you that shit was old an happened once babe your over thinking that shit me an you weren't together!

"When the fuck have we not been together huh tell me let me fucking know because I don't remember taking a break a much needed over due break !"

If you feel like that why the fuck are you still here huh ?

"An there it is you couldn't even come up with a new excuse or lie as to when you fucked her an gave a leeway to fuck my life up to make me look like a fucking clown you are pathetic "

She started crying an before I could pull her in she zipped her shit up pulling her luggage's out the room.

"Don't fucking call me at all just leave me alone "

Nala pov

Brown stone's If you love me blasted while I packed my bags this trip was about to be relaxing an drama free

" Man that shower felt so fucking good baby, your taking that to wear and how much stuff are you taking ?"

Almost done with my bags an yes I plan to wear this I'm hosting a lingerie sleep over with the girls oh by the way you left your phone while you were in the shower and the hook up sent you a reply. I believe it says hey daddy I missed you let me know when your on your way she's nice an ready for you.

"Wait it's not even like that yo !"

Ohhhh so my seeing it wasn't enough now your gonna lie an say what Tia ? She just playing or chill you odee nah I'm not you don't have it in you to be faithful to me since we were in highschool you don't know how ! But its cool I promise I won't be in the way anymore

I gave her two thumbs up grabbing my bags I walked out to the car malaya had been beeping for a minute.

I'm excited Gigi said the weather is beautiful she checked in for me this morning .

"Oh my god I haven't seen her in forever man we used to be inseparable Kayla ass better be ready!"

Doubt it you know how Kay is .We pulled up to her crib only to be shocked by Ashton kissing her goodbye .

"What the fuck !"

Shhh shut up this bitch has a lot of explaining to do but ash looks sexy as hell now glo up forreal

"Get in the car Kayla ! "

She gave us the finger then grabbed her bags I was ready to get on the plane. I wanted to finish reading Tiffany's book she wrote its every where an in everyone's hands.

"Earth to nala can yo ass stop day dreaming we here which way is ours?"

Keep going one more

When we finally got to the house shit was beautiful. Gigi had the house smelling latin I was ready to grub with my hungry ass.

"Finally I was about to invite mad people up to come eat with my lonely ass !!!"

Gigi came out dressed in a bikini with a GI on both boobs this girl I swear

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