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Jinnxs point of view

after Scar hung up with me I felt worried i knew she was crying when i answered her and i knew i needed to find her. Getting up i walked out of the place and i clicked the down button on the elevator. Standing there i just felt worried about her. as the elvator got to my level i heard sobbing from inside and some hushed talking. As the elevator opened I began walking in when i saw two people sitting on the ground.


she looked up and our eyes connected and i felt the tears begging to fall. i took a deeo breath as i stepped into the elevator. The other on there was Danny and he stood up catching the elevator doors. he walked out and scar jumped for the doors but they closed and she slumped to the ground in the corner of the elevator. 

looking over at the buttons i hit the button to stall the elevator and i moved over and sat down against the other wall facing Scar. 

"Jinxx start the elevator now" her shaky voice said. '

"no not until you talk to me Scar"

she started to get up but i pulled her down. 

"JINXX! Let go of me"

my grip on her tightened and i pulled her to me pressing her lips to mine. she struggled underneath my hold and she finally was able to push me away. I looked at her and she started hitting me repeaditly in the chest and yelling things. 

"You confuse me i love you what the fuck is wrong with you jinxx i cant believe you ugh why did i have to fall for you why am i here jinxx why did you have to kiss me ji-"

i clasped my had over her mouth and she staired at me 


My hand was still clasped over her mouth and she looked down at the rings and braclets on my hand and wrist.

I pulled my hand away.

"Can we... Start over?"

Scar looked up at me and breathed.

"Yeah we can"

"Hello im Jinxx would you lile help off the ground" i asked standing up.

She whipped her face and then took my hand standing up.

"Hey Jinxx. Im Scar"

I unstalled the elevator and it went down to the lobby floor and i stepped out and turned around.

"See you around scar" she nodded as the elevator doors closed...

Scars point of view

Packing my suit cases The Scream Tour was starting in a couple of days here in new york.

"We have got Falling in Reverse, Asking Alexandria, Juliet Simms, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with sirens, Miss May I, and Black Veil Brides." I said to my self as I continue packing

We are hitting up ever state in the united States besides Hawaii and Alaska. Our concerts are ever other day so

96 days on tour... About 3 months on tour. This is crazy im glad we are flying back at the end of the tour.

We have 10 tour buses one for each band and one for the crew, 12 trailors. Ours and black veil brided trailors are down in the parking lot with all of equiptment. Two of the trailers are full of the stage  equiptment for the stage and the otner trailer that isnt used by the bands are for the pyro and lighting.

The concert goes from 2pm to 10pm every night. Its going to be hard but i cant wait to be playing with all these amazing bands.

Pulling one of my suitcases into the living room lidia was there with a clip bored.

"The set time order will be the same every night. Juliet goes on first, then miss may i, then sleeping with sirens, pierce the veil, asking Alexandria, Falling in Reverse, then is us, and black veil brides is the final set of the night"

"Sounds great"

"Now finish packing we need our instruments packed tonight so the trailers are all packed."

I groaned walking into the instrument room. I had 6 basses 2 guitars and i put my headless microphone in my favorite bass guitar case.

Setting them all on the cart i pushed them out of the room and to the main door.

"Scar are you taling those down?" JJ yelled.


"Can you bring my drum set down with you the cart is by the door."

I groaned "yes i can"

I opened the door and pushed my cart out pulling JJs cart along with me. Hitting the down button the elevator opened and jinxx was there holding zip ties.

He helped get the carts in and i had to stand infront of him for both carts to fit.

"So how are you" he asked.

"Im good im dating some one new and it seems to be going okay."

"Oh that's good"

The doors opened and i walked out grabbing one of the carts. Jinxx pushed the other one out helping me put the front to the trailers.

"Hey Babe" some one said and i turned around to my boyfriend and i let go of the cart. I took off running and i jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist and he embraced me tightly. 

he kissed my cheek and helped me back onto the ground and i turned around and jinxx was standing here. 

"Levi this is my friend Jinxx, Jinxx this is Levi the vocalist of Miss May i and my boyfriend" i said looking up at Levi with a smile.

"Hey man its awesome to meet you and im glad to be on this tour with you" Levi said holding out his hand his other arm wrapped around my waist.

Jinxx took his hand and smiled "As to you man Your stuff on warped killed it"

they both nodded and pulled away form each other. "Come on Levi can you help me bring these to my trailer"

"Okay babe" he said and i smiled and started walking when he grabbed me and planted his lips onto mine and i felt small butterflys. he laced his arms around my waist and when we pulled away we smiled at each other. 

I caught sight of Jinxx and he was standing behind levi and a look of sadness on his face and i felt like i had been hit in the gut when i watched a tear fall down his face as he turned walking back inside.


YOu guys are so gonna kill me!!!!

ahahahaha anyway im seeing mayday parade tomorrow night im so exicted...

Hopefully ill update soon i love you guys! 

Sorry im so mean!


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