Wretched and Divine

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Andy's Point Of View

The tour was finally over and we were sitting on the couches in the pad just relaxing.

"I'm up for going for drinks tonight!" CC said walking into the room.

"I'm good" Jinxx mumbled and I glanced over at him. This whole tour he hasn't seemed like Jinxx.

"Come on Jinxx, Lets go to the club's and Pick up a girl or two" Ashley said pulling him out of the chair.

"I said no!" he grumbled pulled his arm from Ashleys and storming into his room.

I got up, "I'll see you guys later, don't forget we have a meeting with our manager this weekend he says it is big news"

"Bye Andy" they all said in a small chorus and I exited the apartment

Hitting the up button on the elevator it opened and I got in and Connor was standing there.

"Hey Connor" I said and he looked up at me. He was wearing faded blue jeans, beat up converse, and a plain white t-shirt.

"Hey Man!" He said and we did out secret hand shake.

We chatted a little until the doors opened. "Hey is Scar home?"

"Probably" he sneered, "come on" he stepped off the elevator and I followed behind as we entered cutting dreams condo.

"Hey Andy" Lidia said and I smiled wrapping my arms around her pulling her close. Connor walked past us and slammed his door.

"Why is it so tense?" I asked.

"Their dad is sueing custody for Connor, Scar has been doing legal stuff since we got back. Their dad showed up here the day Scar got back"

"My god... Are they really going to let him take Connor?"

"I hope not... Drake says he has been so happy lately until this happened..."

"Where is Scar?" I asked pulling away from Lidia

"Neck deep in legal documents" she said pointing to Scars room.

"Thanks Honey" I said before walking over to Scars door. I softly knocked on her door before I entered into a dark room.

"Scar?" I asked turning around and closing the door. I flicked on the light and a small lamp illuminated the room and Scar was sitting on her bed her knees pulled to her chest her head down.

"Scar" I said softly walking over to her and taking a seat next to her.

"I... Have to f-face him in co-court Connor has to as well Andy I can't do this " she said lifting her head to me her make up was smeared everywhere.

"Scar I do-"

"If I lose him I lose so much... I already lost Jinxx, I slept with all those guys to forget him! I really fucking love him... I love Connor too I can lose Jinxx but if I lose Connor for the second time... I don't know what I can do with my life"

I pulled her to me, "Scar, you wont lose him, you will fight like fucking hell to find him trust me it will be okay, everything is going to be okay, get ready get dressed, wear something nice, let me take you out somewhere nice, meet me down in the lobby. No if and or Buts young lady!"


"Nope! be quick!"

I jumped up before she could say no and I left her room quickly. 

"Howd it go?" Lidia asked leaning against the door to leave. 

"Grand, now after she leaves wait like 5 minutes and then call me okay Ill think of the rest"

"Andy what are you doing?" she asked eyeing me

"Being match maker" I kissed her cheek before leaving, "Remember 5 minutes after she leaves"

I ran to the elevator and up to our floor.

"Jinxx!" I yelled bursting into his room, he was laying on his chest his head in his pillow. "JINXXY BABY" I yelled jumping on him. 

"Oh fuck, dude what the hell" Jinxx said rolling over and shoving me onto the floor in the process. 

I jumped up with a grin, "Put on a fucking suit wash up a little and get your ass down to the lobby soon! Im taking you somewhere"

"Andy im not fucking going anywhere" he said pulling his blanket back over him. 

I pulled his blanket and pulled him out of the bed, "you cant say no so come on get ready, see you down in the lobby" 

I ran out of the apartment and into the elevator before pulling out my phone and calling my favorite resturant in all of new york hoping since they know us pretty well they will let me set up a reservation with little will...

"Alright sounds good thanks Becky! They sure will love it" I said standing down in the lobby as I saw Jinxx exit from the elevator wearing a black suit with a white button down underneath. 

"Dont you look dashing" I said with a smirk

"Why arent you dressed? I thought we were going somewhere nice"

"You are... I am not"

"Andy what did you do?!"

"just wait" I said with a smirk as I heard the elevator door open up and I looked up to see scar, her brown hair punned back messy like, she was wearing a tight red dress that snuggly fit her figure, she was wearing black heels as well, with a small amount of makeup. 

"Hey Andy, i go-" She stopped in her tracks as Jinxx turned around and saw scar. 

"You didnt" Jinxx said looking over at me. 

"I did, Now you two there is a car waiting out side to take you guys to Le Bernardin, I have already covered the check, now go your guys reservation is in half an hour, The reservation is under Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Have fun Kids!" I said shoving them out the door. 

"I hate him" I heard scar grumble. 

Scar's Point of View 

I exited the elevator my heels clicking against the stone ground and I heard Andy's voice when I realized I left my coat in my room, "Hey Andy, I go-" I started but then I saw the figure infront of him turn around and I came face to face with Jinxx. He was wearing a black suit with a white button down that fit him nicely. He had a necklace around his neck and I realized it was the one I gave to him a couple of months after we first started dating.

"Have fun kids!" Andy yelled after shoving us threw the door. 

"I hate him" I grumbled to my self before jinxx and I walked to the car. He opened the door for me and I got in and he slipped in quietly behind me. 

"We dont have to go to this dinner if you dont want to" Jinxx said looking up at me. 

I looked down at my dress before i started fiddling with the barclets on my wrists, "I mean its already paid for... I mean I wouldnt mind... but... erm..." my voice trailed off. 

"No I think this will be fun, Its been a while since ive been out, if you dont count the tour" He said with a small chuckle and I felt my self smile. 

"This should be fun" I said looking out the window. 


"Yeah" I asked not looking at him. 

I felt him grab my hand and pull me to face him, "Can we not be Jinxx and Scar... the Ex's but... Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson... I mean... I think... I er-" 

"That sounds great Jinxx" I said gripping his hand tightly and he smiled and I felt my self blush a little as we leaned back into the seat as the car drove to the resturant. 

Jinxx glanced down at our entwined hands and started to pull away. I gripped his hand tighter and I brought it up to my mouth and kissed it softly. "Tonight, We are Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson"

"Alright Mrs. Ferguson, I believe this is our stop" he said with a smile as the car pulled to a slow stop. My heart began to race as I felt his breath on my ear, "You look beautiful tonight"

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