F .E .A .R. Transmission 1: Stay Close

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Jinxx's Point of view 

we were packing everything up and getting ready to leave when some female voice shouted my name, I turned around to see a girl spinning a notebook in the air. "Gabriela" I said loudly with a smile and I jogged over to her. 

"Oh my god this worked!, I thought my dad was messing with me" she suddenly burst into tears. 

"Oh my god dont cry!" I said and I felt like she needed a hug, "Do you need a hug" I asked and she froze and looked up at me. I opened my arms and she rushed over to me quickly and I hugged her tightly as she sobbed against my chest.

We pulled away slowly and I smiled down at this girl, her war make up was smeared, "How long until you have to leave?" 

"My dad wont be here to pick me up for another hour I think" she said whipping her nose and face causing the makeup to smear more. 

"How about, you come with me and we can go find Andy and the Guys, Andy could fix your war make up and we can keep you company until your dad gets here" I said holding out my elbow for her to grab so I could lead her to the guys. 

She took my elbow with a huge smile, "I can die happily now"

I smiled down at her and we both laughed as we found the guys outside the tour bus sitting on the ground. "Hey guys!" I yelled and they looked up and I led Gabriela over to them and they stood up. 

"Guys This is Gabriela, Gabriel this is black veil brides, or I could say, your new best friends"

"Oh my god! oh my god, I never thought this would happen, not a day in my life did I think this could happen." She said fanning her eyes trying not to cry again, my guess anyway. 

"Andy Why dont you go get the war paint and you could do her war paint for her" I said and Andy nodded with a smile and headed into the tour bus. 

"So Gabriela, how were you able to get jinxx's attention?" CC asked with a smile

"This!" she exclaimed opening her notebook to the note I wrote for her.

"Do you mind if we all write you a note in your notebook" Jake asked. 

"no please do!" she said handing her note book over to Jake first. 

Andy came out of the tour bus with some materials and had Gabriela sit on the ground and he sat down in-front of her. "Now sit very still or I might poke your eye out" Andy said with a chuckle and she nodded before Andy started the war paint. I looked back at the guys and they each were writing on a drawing she had in her note book. 

Andy finished Gabrielas makeup and I just finished writing in her note book again and I handed it to Andy who was still sitting on the floor and began writing. "I think we all deserve to take pictures with you Gabriela" Ashley said and she smiled taking out her phone. I watched Ashley take a picture of him and her before handing the phone to Jake and Gabriela stood next to him awkwardly. 

"Jinxx can you tale the photo?" He asked and I nodded taking her phone. I watched Jake wrap his arms around her in a hug and she immediately smiled and I snapped a couple of pictures.

"Hold on I didn't get any good ones let me take some more" I said with a smirk and switched the cameras around. As they posed again I started taking multiple weird photos of my self, even double chinned. 

"Jinxx!" she squeaked and I chuckled handing her her phone back. "Do I get a picture with you?" she asked towards me and I smiled with a nod and stood behind her slightly and smiled and she took some picutres and in one of them I kissed her cheek. "These are all being hung up in my room!" 

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