The Morticians Daughter

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Andys Point of View

"Andy What would you do if there wasnt any Black veil Brides if there wasnt any band at all" A Lady asked and i stood there next to her the guys, Scar and conner behind me. "Truthfully nothing i mean this is all i got after this im done so i hope you guys like our music becuase i have nothing else planned or i would be Batman of course"

every one laughed and i saw Jinxx and scar whispering to each other and smiled at how cute of a couple they have gotten. "When will you guys be going on tour again" some one else asked and i replied "Soon im sure we were pretty drunk i think when we talked about it"

Ashlye nodded and said "Hell yeah we were drunk CC and i brought the booze " we all laughed and CC said "Hell yeah". we all laughed and some one said  "Jinxx and scar give us an update on the new Rock couple" and they laughed and Jinxx said "were doing great i am gonna miss her when we go on tour tho"

the press all went "aww " and scar said "yeah illl just think about that time i scared you and your um.... never mind guys" Jinxx gave scar a scary look and she started to laugh. "Any how i could never stop loving Jinxx i mean he makes me laugh and smile when im sad and really he has just made me feel alive" scar said.

"Scar we all love your tattoos and i bet we all have noticed the scars can we ask why you have the scars and the tattoos?" i watched as scar nodded and said "the Tattoos are of meaning and happyness in my life and the scars well they always remind me what i became after my father took my brother away from me the pain i felt the lonlyness"

"I have them too for the same reasoins when our dad seperated us god it was fucking hell with out Scar here i missed her like hell and dad was just horible and im glad to have these scars and to even have scar" Conner said and i watched as scar and conner both flipped over there arms to show there scars.

the press shot some pictures and some one said "Andy how much do you love your band" and i smiled and said "More than i could ever fucking scream they are my family my brothers and my fellow outcasts with out them i swear i would truly be nothing nothing at all" 

"AWWW andy we love you too" Jake said and we all laughed and some one said "Will you black veil brides be for ever together way after your music has run its course" ashley answered first and said "of course" and jinxx added "for ever" and Jake said "always" and CC said "i could never think of stopping the black veil brides" and i said "we will always be the band Black veil Brides even after every one is sick of our music"

the press nodded and our manager said "alright thats enough questions for them now get going press" the press left and i stood next to jinxx talking to him and Conner when jake said "hey where did Scar go" we all looked aorund and shrugged.

i looked aorund some more when i spotted her with a guy and he had a mol hawk and i watched as he wrapped his arms aorund her and they hugged tightly and i said "found her" and they all asked "where" and i said"over by the dude with the mol hawk"

they all looked in the direciton i was pointing and they all watched as Scar and the guy pulled away from each other and she laughed and started to pull him over this way. i turned ot jinxx and he laughed and i said "dude your girl was just hugging another guy a hot guy" and jinxx laughed again and said "thats just JJ he is real cool"

i was about to say some thing when 3 girls approched me and one said "oh my god i cant believe we are this close to Andy biersack and Black veil brides" i smiled and said "Ladies now how did you get pass the security" they smiled holding up there passes and i said "you want a picture with black veil brides huh?" they nodded and i said "sure lets do it" the guys got in formation and conner stood over by scar and jj and the three girls squeezed in as scar took the photo.

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