Fallen Angels

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Scars Point of View

sitting in that corner the only thing i could think of was why.

why would he do that to me. during one of my most important concerts off to the side off the stage i just i couldnt continue on with the show. i messed up i cant believe he could do this to me.

reaching for my phone that was on the ground people have been texting and calling me for hours. jinxx's face flashed onto screen and i jumped and slammed it onto the ground. i sighed closing my eyes and leaning against the cold stone wall.

*12 hours ago*

the set last night was amazing with black veil brides and tonight was our first night of our tour that lidia had been putting together for a long time. we headed out to maine tomorrow i was so excited my first tour god i have to tell jinxx.

i walked down the street when some one stopped me and i noticed it was JJ and i smiled and him hugging him tightly. i kissed his cheek when i saw a flash behind JJ, cusing i pulled away from him and said "They just took a picture and it looked like we were kissing".

JJ shrugged and said "Let them believe what they want to we all know whats real and whats not" i laughed and we walked together to the apartment.

"Conner are you packed yet" JJ and i heard lidias voice scream as we entered the apartment. we saw Conner sitting there on the floor with some comic books and his face full of fright. he got up quickly comic books in hand and took off running for his room.

we laughed and i walked into my room remembering i hadnt packed yet eaither when there was a knock on our door. walking out of my room and to the door i saw Andy.

"Hey Beautiful" i said and he laughed.

he was dressed in a button down white shirt with black pants and black suspenders. he had roses and i smiled.

"I need to talk to you real quick"

i let andy in and he pulled me to his room and closed the door fast.

i sat on my bed and said "whats up Andrew"

he ran his fingers threw his hair setting a roses on my night stand and flopped onto my bed.

"I tihnk im in love"

i turned to him.

"Lidia she we arent even really dating but i just want to kiss her and hold her and make her mine you know."

I laughed and said "andrew go for it she is crazy about not just for your band but for you the real Andy the one who loves to dress like a gentalman you know"

he smiled and was about to say some thing when my phone beeped.

i grabbed it openeing the email exspecting to see the picture the guy took of me and JJ. sure i saw that but the bigger picture was jinxx and he was kissing a leggy blonde and that was actually a real kiss.

"What" andy asked moving closer"

i close dout of it and blew it off, he was most likely drunk and she was kissing him so it didnt bother me much but seeing him tonight on the kick off of my tour might be hard. i slipped my phone into my pocket and grabbed andy by the shoulders.

"You got this andy, your gonna go out and knock on the door again and i will make sure she answeres it alright."

andy kissed my forhead "your the best scar" he got up leaving quickly the roses in his hand.

i walke dout of my room and andy knocked at the door and i walked back into my room and yelled "Lidia get the door im changing" lidia didnt even glance at my room before she headed to the door and i stood here in my door frame watching her.

she opened the door and andy stood there with the flowers and lidia gasped in shock and i couldnt help but smile.

"Lidia, will you be this dark mysteriouse man, one who is famouse and loves to dress fancy, will you do him the honor of becoming his girlfriend?"

i smiled as i watch lidia hug him tightly and when they pulled away i watched Andy's head dip down and they kissed and i gasped. realizing it came out a squel.

they both turned to me and i clapped once and lidia smiled and Andy winked at me. i smiled and yelled "Who is ready for the kick off tour tonight?"

they came out of there room and Drake yelled "Lets kick some Ass"

we all laughed and i grabbed my bass and swung it over my shoulder. and helped carry the drum, cases down to the tour bus. Drake was our driver tonight and he got in the drivers side and i saw andy enter on the bus with us.

Ash stood and the door and sai d"mind if we accompany cutting dreams to the concert?"

i scanned over them not seeing jinxx and i smiled and said "hell yeah get on"

the got on the bus and ash yelled "damn lidia and Andy who would have thought"

we all laughed and jake sat down next to me.

"do you know where he is"

i nodded and said "out drunk with another girl"

i grabbed my hand squeezing it "itll be fine trust me"

i shrugged leaning my head against jake, we began talking about the stupidist little things and I just couldnt help laughing.

We were going on in a few minutes and i stood there with my micro phone and bass on my back. Jinxx still hadnt shown up.

my band members ran out onto stage and Andy, Jake, CC, and Ashley nodded at me and i ran out onto stage and the crowd went wild.

"Well well well New york how are you all doing tonight" they all scremed

we started right in on our song Fake it and right beofre the corus i yelled "Sing along" and they sang the lyrics with me and i whipped my bass around tossing the microphone at D and he started to scream.

D tossed it bakc at me and i started to sing and looked over at black veil brides when i saw jinxx but a girl at his arm. i realized no words were coming out. turning away from them i picke dup again and tossed it back at D and started to play missing a few notes as i looked at Jinxx.

D turned to me tossing the micro phone at me and io went to go catch it while spinning my bass and my bass slipped off my shoulder and the micro phone hit the ground making that loud noise. there was scilence afterwards.

standing there frozen to my spot i felt tears beginning to bekon and i ran off stage and pushed past black veil brides. standing there i was freaking out eveyr one stairing at me and i saw jinxx and he looked confused.

walking up to him mmi said " How dare you"

he looked confused and the girl at his side giggled and i slapped her hard across the face, jinxx was suddenly feriouse. CC and ashley grabbed jinxx pulling him away.

looking at my band mates and black veil brides, i backed away slowly tears streaming down my face and i turned running.

hidding in a corner i heard people run back and forth yellling my name.

they stopepd after a while then i heard some one say "New york some things have gone down but we will be here again tomorrow night so please just come back with your tickets from today and you can get back in thank you"

realizing that was D talking and then watching out of a little corner i saw Jake and Jinxx and jake was screaming at him.

pressing my hands over my ears i just watnted the world to disappear....




Some people are gonna be very angry with me

i know it XD

sorry guys




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