Beautiful Remaines

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Scars Point of View

i stood there listening to them and i saw ,jinxx smile to me a couple times and i clapped along with every one as they continued to play. they finished there last song and andy said "we will be back soon dont go any where" and they walked off stage and i gave them high fives and turned and walked with jinxx back to the chill area when the manager came in saying "crap crap crap we dont have the guy that says we are the black veil brides for perfect weapon"....

every one groaned when jinxx spoke up and said "Scar here oculd do it all we have to do is get her dressed like us" the manager nodded and yelled out "dressing people" and they came running over here and he said "dress .... Scar to look like Black veil brides". they nodded and grabed my arms pulling me away fgorm the guys.

20 minutes later

i walked back to the chill room and all the guys sat there and CC whistled and jinxx siad "damn girl you look hot" i laughed and looked at my self in a mirro rmy hair was spiked out a bandana tied in it i wore red lip stick and i had tons of eye liner on and i wore a white shirt with a lethar jacket and tight black jeans with black boots and i wrote black leather gloves...

Ashley wrapped his arm aorund me saying "lets do this shit guys" we all laughed and we walked out back onto the stage and i stood next to jinxx and he plugged in his guitar and he stepped awy aform the micro phone and i stepped up. i took a brreath and eveyr one quited and i said in my creepy voice "We are the black veil bridesss" and andy started singing right away and i stepped off to the side. 

Ashley made his way over ot me pounding away on his bass and he yelle dot me "pick up that bass and playy bb cd b over and over it will help" i nodded grabbing the bass and plugged it in.  i started playing the notes she told me too and i stood in the back round when jinxx shoved me forward and came up and stood next to me.

we finished the song and i set the bass down and we wlaked off stage quickly and i jumped on jinxx bakc and said ""you otld them i could play bass didnt you" he nodded and i wrapped my arms aorund his neck as he gave me a piggy back ride. "sorry to break up your little love fest but its time for the last osng of the night" andy sai dand i got off jinxx back and watched them walk back into stage and play set the world on fire...

i decided to stay in this clothing as i sat down on a couch and pulled out my ipod and played lost it all and put it on loop closing my eyes.

20 minutes later 

"Scarlett hello" jinxx sia dpulling one of my ear buds out , i opened my eyes and all the guys laughed and Andy said "its time to go chat with some fans wanna ocm eiwht us" i shok my head and said "they wanna meet you the band not me" they laughed and jinxx pulled me out of the chair leaving my ipod "come on silly girl".

we walked out side and there were a ton of fans there and they started talking to them when the press cmae up saying "black veil brides can we get a picture" they nodded an di stepped off ot the side os i wouldnt be in the picture when CC said "wait" and grabbed my arm pulling me inbetween jinxx and andy and sdaid "okay you can take it now" i posed seriously like ,

a lady form the press came up and said "Andy who is this one is she a part of black veil brides" andy laughed and siad "ask jinxx he knows her better" the lady moved the micro phone next to jinxx and he said "This is scar and she is a very veyr close friend to black veil brides" jinxx smiled down at me and i smiled up at him and the lady nodded and continued to ask questions and i just stood there quietly.

"Scar are you dating any of the members of Black veil brides" a lady asked sticking a micro phone in my face.  i pushe dit back a bit and sai d"personal space and no we are all just buds i guess" the reporter nodded and jinxx whispered in my ear "way to knock the press around" i laughed and whispered in his "you know it"...

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