Love Isn't Always Fair

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Jinxx's Point of View

Scar and i had surly grown apart i know but what i did to her was just inhumane i know and

i know she will hate me for ever.

sitting in my room a pack of frozen peas pressed to my xhin where Jake had punched me, i know i did some really stupid things but for jake to punch me i never thought that would happen.

Scar was doing a redo ocncert tonight, it was all my fault she messed up me standing there with that girl i was plane drunk, when she slapped the girl i wasnt exactly mad at scar but mad at my self, god Jeremy you are so stupid.

I continued to get emails of News about Scar and i breaking up. i tried confronting her earlier on the street and she just had rejected me, slapped me, screamed at me, and left me.

it was all over the internet our break up me kissing other girls while i was drunk scar running off stage scar slapping that girl.

i over heard Ash and andy talking earlier and they said it took Lidia, Drake, and Jake over three hours to find scar and she was att he concert still but hiding.

Seeing her today before i confronted her she looked beautiful strong and upmost powerful.

she looked as if she hadnt messed up last night. she looked ready and i knew she always would be ready she was meant to preform.

sighing i slipped on my leather jacket and looked at my self in the mirror, my hair looks as tho i have been running my fingers threw it for hours and i have. i walked out of the hotel walking down the street when i was bombbarded by press.

"Jinxx what happened"

"Why did you do that to scar"

Scar was the new girl of rock and roll the pressed adored her and now that her heart was quote on quote broken they seeked out to find out way. sighing i ran my fingers yet again threw my hair.

"Truthfully i messed up and i know scar will never ever forgive me and i wouldnt eaither becuase i messed up, i messed up bad"

they pushed in closer. "Jinxx is it true that your fellow bandmember Jake punched you?"

i nodded and said "i deserved it i deserved way more than a punch"

they looked ready to ask another thing.

"Im going to leave now i wish you dont fallow me thank you"

i turned walking away and i walked down the streets until it was beyond dark, i didnt know what to do i was just wondering my mind some where else. As i always was i wasnt watching where i was going when i ran into somebody and we stumbled.

sitting up the one sitting next to me and i heard them groan realizing it was a girl. standing up i helped the girl up and she looked up andi looked into the beautiful eyes i met last year. She looked as stunned as i was.

she didnt say any thing but she began stepping away from me.

"Scar" i felt my self yell as she turned the corner. i raced after her and looked up and down the street seeing that she was gone.

in compleate anger i kicked the building to my left then slumped against it over come by sadness.

I missed Scar. breathing slowly i got up and headed back for the hotel which took over three hours and i didnt think i had wondered that far.

as i entered the apartment Jake and Andy were sitting there and they both stopped talking and staired at me.

i closed the door.

"Jake you know im sorry i did that to scar im glad you punched me im glad you screamed at me, but i just cant loose you you are my band member my brother my friend, im sorry i hurt her but i cant loose you"

jake stood and walked right up to me.

"I should punch you again for what you did to her but i cant change that but Jeremy you never lost me you are my brother too trust me"

we bro hugged and sat down on the couch.

"we have to figure out how to fix things with SCar you know at least give her an explanation" jake said,

I sighed "she leaves tonight and wont be back for three months then she is starting collage right after that i wouldnt be able to see her she would be too busy"

they sighed and i got up calling it a night and i walked into my room.

i pulled off my jacket and t-shirt and i sat on the edge of my bed grabbing my cellphone to see a voice mail from Scar.

"Jeremy hey its scar i just, im sitting here on my tour bus... truthfully i dont know what im doing i just bumping into you today made me realize things and think things. i just dont know what truthfully im doing. i love you so much but i wish i could forgive you to jump into your arms and kiss you but. i cant forgive you so easily i know that and it hurts me doing this but what you did to me it. i hate you for doing this to me i just the only thing i want to know is why you did this to me"

there was a long pause but i knew it wasnt over and i ran my fingers threw my hair as i heard a small gasp and i knew it was because she was crying.

"it hurt me so much even more when i saw you at my own concert with that bimbo of a female any way im not going to say any thing mean about her because i don't know her but i feel i deserve a reason why you did this... Jinxx i love you but i cant forgive you..."

there was another pause...

"but maybe after i get back from my tour ill see you and the guys and maybe by than i might forgive you enough to be friends but i fel that will be all i can offer so im sorry to do this to you but i can forgive most people so easily truthfully i should just say to the hell with you and never speak to you again but i know it would kill me not seeing you."

she paused again and i felt tears spring to my eyes...

"i should go this is getting really long i just i need an explanation as to why its all i want then i might reconsider being your friend or not but again thats all i can offer"

there was a pause again and i thought it was over...

"Good bye Jinxx"

i felt the tears slid down my cheek and i still had my phone pressed to my ear as i laid down on my bed closing my eyes and softly wimpering to my self.....



a few are gonna kill me....

any way sorry for such a long update

im still grounded so its tough to update....

any way





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