chapter 13

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Jen's POV

I'm coming home from work and put a pizza in the oven. I'm tired & don't feel like cooking at the moment. Beau has been gone for 3 days now. 4 more days to go.

I miss him so much! I'm not yet done with the baby room. I made a white room with a green and yellow touches. So it doesn't matter if it will be a boy or a girl, the colours will be good anyway.

The bed is so cute! Its a white, oval bed like an egg. Its in the middle of the room and there are already toys around it. It looks warm because of the big bouncing chair in the corner.

I can sit there and feed the baby or calm the baby down when its crying. I'm rubbing my belly. I can't wait for the baby to be born. But first to tell Beau of course.

I love him so much. I want to share my love with Beau and the baby for the rest of my life. I can't wait for him to be home again. Let's finish the room today!

Beau's POV

Finally Maya came home from work. We're sitting around the table to talk things through. Lin told Maya that she's thinking about moving to New York.

"But Lina, you said we would be the mothers of the babies. And no one else. I mean, Beau, don't get me wrong, I understand you want to see the kids, but why??
First you said you didn't want to see the baby. That you just gave Lina your seeds and you wouldn't ever contact us again."

"I know I said that, Maya, but my feelings changed. I really want to be a part of these babies' lives. And that would go more easy if y'all lived in NY."

"But don't you think you'll change your mind again?? What if we decided to live in New York, you'd see them like, once a week or whatever. And then you get bored or you don't love them like you now expect you will. Are you sending us back to LA again..?"

"No of course not! First of all, you're free to live where you want. I don't have the ability to 'send you back' to LA if I get bored. And second, I will never get bored of my own kids. I swear. I can't reject those little miracles."

"And what if you want to see them more often? Will you go to court and ask for a shared custody?"

"No. I won't do that. If you just keep your word and let me see them once a week or month or whatever we will arrange, then I wont ask for shared custody. If you don't keep your promises and only let me see them like once in 4 months or whatever, then I have to go to court. I can't let these babies down."

"Okay. I'm glad you said that. It shows you really love them already. Okay, so Lina.. what do you think? Are we moving to New York??"

"Lets do it!!" Lina says with tears of joy in her eyes. Maya leans in to embrace Lina and they kiss each other passionately. That looks kinda hot tbh.. They're both very attractive..

"So. Let's talk about the times you'll see the twins." Lina continues. "How often do you want to see them?"

"Ohh.. I haven't really thought about that yet since I didn't want to give myself hope. I mean if you said 'no' to moving to NY, I wasn't able to see them often."

"Okay.. but what do you think now?" Maya asks. I have to think about this. I can't go away from jen too often. But maybe the twins can stay at our place once a week or something.

"What if I saw them once a week?"
"What?? Once a week?? That's so often!!" Maya shouts. I have to stay friends with them so they won't crawl back.
"O-okay.. then once in 2 weeks maybe? 1 day."
"That's better. What do you think, Lina?"

"Yeah that sounds good." Lina smiles. "Are you okay with that Beau? You can come at our place or take them somewhere or we can bring them to you."

"That's actually nice for us too, right honey?? We can have some time for us. Just us. Once in 14 days we can enjoy our time together." Lina says to Maya.
"That's true baby." Maya smiles.

And again, they kiss. If one of them was a guy I bet they'd make a baby after I left. I should leave them alone now I think. Tho it looks so hot, I gotta leave them alone and do their things I guess.

"So are we done for today? I wanted to go to the city to buy something for Jen. Like a souvenir."

"Yeah sure!" Maya says. "When will you be back?" See? She's checking if they have enough time to hook up in the mean time. "Oh.. about 2 hours I guess."

I see them looking dirty at each other and I quickly walk to the door. "See ya later then!" I shout and close the door.

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