Chapter 19

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Jen's POV

"What the hell..!!?!?" I scream and quickly cover my body with my arms. "YOU ARE NOT BEAU! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!!" My body is shaking of adrenaline. My heart is racing.

"Oh, come on, princess. You knew Beau couldn't be thís romantic!" He moves closer to me. Trying to touch me.
"Stop it Harry!! Stay away from me! How could you do this to me??" I'm full of confusion and anger right now.

"Okay, I will let you calm down a little, princess. I'll be outside getting the horses ready. We're going for a ride. There's a beautiful lake downhills."

"Then what else do you prefer to ride..?" He grins widely.
Perv!! Dammit I wanna go home. I'm crying from the inside but I don't want Harry to see it. "Go fuck yourself." I tell Harry. I lay down my head and pretent to be relaxed while continue bathing.

He laughs and walks out of the bathroom. As soon as he's gone, my eyes fill with tears. I have to find my phone!! I have to call Beau! I think I have around 15 minutes untill Harry will come up again to get me for the horseride or whatever his plans with me are.

I have 15 minutes to escape! I don't want this jerk to controll my life! I want Beau. I want my babydaddy. I get out of the bath and wrap a white towel around my wet body. I dry myself and quickly tie my hair in a messy bun. Where are my clothes? Harry took the clothes that were on the floor so I have to find new ones.

There's a huge, beautiful closet here. It's the most beautiful closet I've ever seen. There are so many beautiful clothes! This is exactly my taste!! But there's no time to waste so I quickly pull something on. It fits nice. I secretly love it!

I can't find my phone. The clothes I wore when I woke up were all I had with me I think. There's nothing in this room that I own. Except myself. I own myself. If Harry thinks he can on me, keep me here, treat me like this, he can have me!! And he will have me mad!

I walk towards the door. Full of anger I open it.. I try to open it... I can't open it!!! The freak locked this damn door!!!

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