Chapter 20

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Beau's POV

The room is dark. It's cold, but I don't give a shit. Alcohol keeps me warm. It's 3 AM and I'm sitting in the kitchen. In front of me there are 3 empty bottles of vodka and there's a glass in my hands. When I notice all the vodka is gone, I get angry and throw the glass against the wall as hard as I can while I scream.

I haven't left the house in 1 week. Now I have to get out cuz I ran out of vodka. I don't care about work or my social life anymore. I'm broken. Broken of misery. I called sick from work and my boss said it was okay. But I'm not planning to go back to work any time soon.

I stand up and try to walk to the door. I get my coat and my keys. I haven't charged my phone in 5 days because I don't need it anymore. What's the point of going through my messages when none of them is from Jennifer? They found her phone a few blocks away from our house. Not a single sign of Jennifer near the phone.

My life is a hell now. I will probably never see her anyway. I don't want to give up on her so quickly, but I guess that's exactly what I'm doing right now... And I hate myself for that. I open the door and slowly walk outside. I gotta get myself some more vodka.

Jen's POV

My brilliant plan to escape didn't work out the way I wanted it to. Anyways. I will not let Harry notice my fears nor tears. I will just relax, enjoy the view, lay on my bed, read a magazine, go through the clothes in my closet, shave my legs... Anything that will give Harry the idea I'm falling for his filthy trick.

By the time Harry gets back, I'm fully enjoying the luxury of my new room.
"Ahh I see you've made yourself comfortable. I'm thrilled to see that!" He looks very happy.
"Yeah, well, Harry, I must say: this is the most beautiful place I've ever seen. You know, Beau and I were planning on going on a trip but Beau didn't want to go far.."

"Yeah, you're better off with me. I can give you all you ever longed for your entire life." As he says that he has a pervert grins on his face.

"Jerk." I think.
"Thank you." I answer.

"So, are you ready for the ride, princess?"
"Yeah sure!" I walk towards the door, where Harry is waiting.
"Oh, one more thing: you can't ride a horse wearing thát, can you?"
"I don't think so, darling. Here. Pull this on."

He hands me some clothes! Horse ride clothes. "Pull them on. Its your size." Harry continues. "Okay." I say, and walk to the bathroom. "Where are you going doll? Can't you just do it here?" Harry smiles.

"Not gonna happen, baby." I say as I shut the bathroom door. What in the world is he thinking.. I pull on my horse ride clothes. It looks actually pretty damn sexy. I guess that's why Harry came up with the idea to ride horses. He might be a jerk, but he sure as hell knows what he's doing.

I walk back into the room when I'm finished and Harry is still waiting. "Did you have to hide in the bathroom, doll? It's not like this would be the first time I saw you naked..." He walks away. "Follow me please"

WHAT... He saw me naked before...!? But when.. How.. Oh my God... He didn't rape me or something did he..? My eyes fill with tears. What the hell did he do to me...

"Babe.. Are you coming? Why are you standing there? Come on, move!" Harry came back, wondering why I didn't follow him. I don't want him to see me cry, but this time I can hardly control my feelings.

"When did you see me naked??" I ask him.
"When you were bathing, of course. Why?" He frowns his eyebrows at me.
"Nothing.. Let's go." Embarrassed but relieved I walk to the door, following Harry outside. Let's see how fast I can ride with the horse. Let's see if he can keep up with me.

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