chapter 16

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Beau's POV

I haven't seen jen for 9 days. She's been 'missing' for 8 hours now. When I arrived at the airport it was 3 AM & now its already 11 PM and she's still not home.

She hasn't showed up at Leah's place or all the others. Its like she totally disappeared from Earth..

Its time I call the cops.

"Hello, Rita Adams, New York Police Department office, what can I do for you?"
"Hi hello, this is Beau Casper Smart you're speaking with, I have to report a missing."
"Okay who is missing?"
"My girlfriend. Jennifer."

"Okay sir and how long is she been missing?"
"She's been missing for 8 hours already! She doesn't pick up her phone and nobody knows where she is!"

"Okay sir, slow down, so she's only been missing for 8 hours?"
"Yes.. No.. not 'only' 8 hours!! 8 hours is a long ass time lady!!"

"Watch your words, sir! Please remain calm. 80% of the missing adults is already showing up a few hours after the missing report."

"But what if she doesn't show up..?? She doesn't pick up her phone!"
"Could be a dead battery, sir. Since she's not a underaged we can only start searching after 24 hours of missing."

"Oh well okay, then she's missing 24 hours. sorry I was wrong did I say 8 hours? I meant 24... Now start looking!"
"Sir, it doesn't work like that. You have to be patient. I'm almost sure she will come home soon."

"And if not..?"
"Then you can call us again, you have our number."
"Good evening sir."

I can't believe it.. She just hang up on me like that!!
I can't bear the thought of Jennifer being somewhere in fear, hoping for me to safe her, and I'm just waiting on the couch for jen to come home... What if she had an accident..??!

That's it! I have to call every hospital in New York!

"Roosevelt Hospital Ney York, you're speaking with Amber Collins what can I do for you?"
"Hi do you know if there's been a woman brought in named Jennifer Lynn Lopez?"

"What is she from you sir? And what's your name?"
"She's my girlfriend and my name is Beau Casper Smart."

"Okay wait a second I will take a look."

That second seems to be like minutes... But then finally she speaks again.

"She is not here."
"Oh.. okay thank you."
"You're welcome. Good luck!"
"Yeah thanks."

I don't know whether to be relieved or sad. I should be relieved cuz she is not in this hospital, so maybe she hasn't had an accident. But I'm also kinda sad because now I still don't know where she is.

4 more hospitals to call.

"Lenox Hill Hospital, this is Jamie Dean, what can I help you with?"
"Hi, I'm Beau Casper Smart, is my girlfiriend Jennifer Lynn Lopez brought in?"

"Let me take a look."
brief silence. I hear my heart racing in my chest.
"No she's not here sir, I will write down your number so I can call you if she might end up here okay?"
"Yes thank you!"
"No problem, take care sir!"
"Thanks man!"

Again, no sign of Jennifer. I call the last 3 hospitals but they don't know Jennifer either. This sucks! Where the hell is she?

It's been 9 hours now. I can't possibly sleep right now.

Suddenly my phone rings. My heart starts racing so fast! Quick! Answer the phone!! I think in myself.

"Hey Beau, you picked up fast!"
"Oh.. hey Lina."
"I was just calling to ask if you had a safe flight."
"Oh.. yes I have, thanks for the concern."

"You sure everything's okay..?"
"I'm not okay, Lina. Jennifer is missing."

As I say that I suddenly start crying. I feel powerless. There's nothing I can do but wait.

"Ohhh beau that's horrible!! You haven't seen her since you arrived??"
"No.. I haven't. She would pick me up but she never came. She's been missing for 9 hours now. And the police will only so something when she's missing 24 hours."

"Whoa Beau, that's awful!! I really hope she will come home soon!! I will pray for you honey!"
"Thanks Lina, take care."
"You too."

That's easier said than done.. I just can't take care of myself without knowing if Jen is alright...

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