Who was that boy?

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(Y/n) was never a popular girl, or even a wanted girl in Castle town. By the time she was 15 she was used to the townspeople mocking her or ignoring her constantly. As an orphaned child alive after the war between her people the sheikah, and the Hylains who really didn't care what happened to her. After all no one would mourn the death of this girl anyways or so she thought. Until the day that she received a special summons from the princess of this land.

Hyrule castle town

"Hmmm," hummed (Y/n) looking at a scroll of paper held gently in her hand, "I should probably go, just in case its something important."

Just then a girl with long bluish hair suddenly came bounding over, "Hey you red eyed sheikah freak! What 'cha got there?" She chimed this happily as anyone could be.

"Oh, it's just a summons from her Highness Zelda to go to the castle..." You told her this knowing that lying would get you nowhere, "Not that the guards won't throw me out anyways Bethany." As you began to walk away you felt Bethany pull roughly on your mid length (h/c) hair. "Let go!" You snarled at her reaching up to pry her hands away.

"No way! This is to fun to stop!" She chirped pulling harder. This continued until you heard her ask someone, "Who are you? Also why are you here?" Suddenly Bethany let go and cried out in fear.

"Damn I really should cut my hair so people stop doing that." You muttered to yourself rubbing the side of your head.

Looking up from where Bethany had launched her attack on you, you saw a teenage boy running from the scene as fast as his legs would carry him. "(Y-y/n) d-d-do you kn-know that b-boy?" Stuttered Bethany shaking violently{she's in shock} .

"No," you calmly stated standing up while staring in the direction he had run, "but I'm going to find out who he is." Sighing you offered a hand to help Bethany up, "Come on its okay I promise not to hurt you."

Cautiously Bethany put her hand in yours, "Th-thanks (Y/n), could you please walk me home?" She asked this as if though someone might hurt her, "Its getting dark and I'm afraid that boy might come back."

You smiled at her, "Sure Bethany I'll walk you home" As the two of you walked together towards where Bethany lived you could only think of that boy. All you saw of him was a glimpse of his glowing red eyes and a flash of purple on top of his head, Who was he? And why did he help you?

(A/n)_ I know that the first few chapters are short and don't make sense, but trust me they get longer over time. And I also know that most people will stop here because it doesn't make much sense to them, this is like a prologue it's the introduction to the story.

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