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Green and Blue nodded drawing their swords, Red and Vio not far behind faintly all of their swords began to glow a golden light. Brighter and brighter by the minute as they focused on their shared goal of restoring the princess. Vaati remained calm as he instructed the four on what to do, "Focus your energy on freeing her...Once all of you feel that your will to save her is equal release the stored magic energy towards her. It will cause her now harm I promise."

Shadow and I looked to each other, I tried to speak but the words became lost in my throat, "Sha..." The two of us were both literally lost for words, no matter how hard either of us tried to speak neither of us could. It could have been from the situation we were in, or from the knowledge of us smiting Zelda a figure of power in Hyrule for our own petty desires.

Glancing over at the Links' and Zelda I finally managed to speak, "It they're almost...ready..." Shadow nodded grabbing my hand giving it a light squeeze.

As was expected when the four released the energy I could feel a pulse of magic go around the room as the light approached the princess. Following her body being engulfed by the golden light there was loud 'crack' that echoed throughout the room. All of us looked anxiously at Zelda as the light began to fade, her blonde hair and crown were now visible through a crack in the stone. Shadow clutched my hand even tighter his entire body shaking, I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder as we watched the stone begin to fall away from the princess. Once all of the stone had fallen away Zelda fell to her knees breathing deeply.

"Think she's alright?" Shadow glanced at Zelda as I looked to him, the four Links' having already went to help her."Since it was done with magic we can never be sure."

Vaati moved quickly towards us as I remained silent as Zelda did not yet know of our presence in the room, "Shadow please remember to be cautious while we're here. The princess may not be very fond of us."

"Right," Shadow said releasing my hand to wrap his arm around my shoulder, "I'm not that stupid, but I think we should stay her until they say we can leave..."I nodded placing my hand on his pinching the back of his hand for fun, "Which means we just need to be careful until they call us over or say that we can leave."


"Uhnn," I placed a hand to my forehead. The last memory I had clear as the sky in summer was of that tall man in the robe, followed by a flash of silver light then nothing. My vision was a bit blurred but I could see Link standing nearby, but I swear to Hylia herself I saw four of him approaching me.

"Zelda!! Are you Okay??" She blinked a couple of times trying to focus her eyes, looking up she saw a very concerned looking Link.

"Link thank you I'm fine, but what....Wait a minute one two three four...?" I frowned, "What did you do Link?"

The one in Blue frowned back at me, "We were left with no choice but to draw the four sword because that guy who attacked us took our sword we hand on hand. I'm Blue by the way." He offered me a hand.

Carefully I placed my hand in his, his skin was fairly cold but I wasn't complaining. After a moment the others introduced themselves as Red, Green, and Vio then we continued to speak. "By the sound of what happened I believe that you were tricked by him into drawing that blade..."

"What!?!" Green's faced showed immediate signs of distress, "Then that means they were both in on it and not just him."

Vio glanced to a darkened area of the room before looking back to Green his closing his blue-grey eyes as he shook his head, "I'm sure they were, but I don't think they're ready to show their faces quite yet Green."

Lighting up My Shadowy LifeWhere stories live. Discover now